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< < | Results from Main web retrieved at 04:52 (GMT)<--/twikiTopRow--> These are some useful packages for the laptops: Development: subversion mercurial (hg) git texlive full cmake build essential opencv... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The front left bumper was plugged into digital 1. The front right bumper was plugged into digital 2. Front left light sensor was plugged into analog 1. Front right... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> All Authenticated Users Group This is a special group all authenticated users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction at the topic level... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> All Users Group This is a special group literally all users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction at the topic level. This is close... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> xxx DamianLyons 2011 06 17 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / BumbleBee2 ROS Driver The BB2 Driver uses package camera1394stereo, which System, Robotics, Vision from the University of... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Server Documentation:Switches have been stacked, but management interface still considers them as two separate switches with the same IP NOTE : 9/5/2010 Turning on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWikiGroups #187; CISDeptGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to the Computing Facilities of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University Overview Computing facilities Logging... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Using CTMC to describe the time steps of robot move Pick an expected value of initial time frame Reduce time for each step with decrease distance from Goal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Notes on filter threshold Must have OpenCV 2.0 or a newer version installed. Result image is stored in a folder (locateed in same folder as the source) called... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; moz box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; webkit box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; box... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Schedule: By 31st of May: Fully read up on/ get familiar with sparse arrays, standard template library. Produce a write up... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> COMPLETED 1. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2012, April 23 27 Baltimore MD; Abstract due Oct 10th 2011. Abstract Submitted. Accepted. Paper Submitted. Minor formatting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My links: My home page My activities Registration become a nop TWiki user list of users of this nop TWiki site TWikiGroups list... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Week 1: Began software update for the robot, desktop and laptop Issued laptop 10 for testing, however, not all of the executables are currently working... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Adding a new n ary operator, ie a function, to matheval Example, lets add the 2 ary function tss blah(a,b). Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add tss blah to the of the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Battery Booster Pack for Mobile Robots P3 AT Intro This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing and as a way to utilize... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing with the Pioneer 3AT robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> register.cpp Notes and Instructions Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that PCL pcd files are in the working directory. No additional... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Effect of Field of View in Stereovision based Visual Homing D.M. Lyons, L. Del Signore, B. Barriage Abstract Navigation is challenging for an autonomous robot operating... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereovision based Visual Homing: Data repository D.M. Lyons, B. Barriage, L. Del Signore, Abstract of the paper Visual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory Demos and Software Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. Robot `imagination` Pictures... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Major Equipment: The Robotics Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment: RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS # SERIAL # LOCATION GPS 1 418949 GPS 2 418953 GPS 3 419328 GPS 4 418855 GPS 5 418954 GPS 6 418866... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Fordham Robotics Computer VisionLaboratory TWIKI icon:tip Welcome Guest look here first icon:persons TWiki Groups... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCVLabGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser, DamianLyons, LabTech, MaggieGates... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / MultiLingual Static Software Analyis Our objective is to provide open source tools that help analyze the way multilingual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Background Large software projects may typically have components written in different languages. Companies that have a large... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Data Files There are three kinds of data files in MLSA: 1 data files that contain a monolingual Abstract Syntax Tree (AST... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Filters and Pipelines AST file generation Clang check is used to generate AST files for C and C programs The Python... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Architecture Lightweight program (which we call filters ) operate on program source files and/or data files and produce data... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Execution To run the software: On the terminal, run the mlcg command with the desired folder or programs as arguments:... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Future Work Extension of the RDA analysis for more complex interoperability aPIs, including use of DATALOG for analysis... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Installation Pre Requirements Clang 3.8 On Ubuntu terminal, type the following commands to install Clang 3.8: sudo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Known Issues C 1 Cannot handle any python calls other than the `PyRun SimpleFile` call. 1 Cannot handle redefinitions... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / System Requirements Linux Ubuntu 14.04 24 Clang 3.8 Python 2.7 GraphViz 2.38 ps2pdf Evince... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory Goto the Main Lab Home Page Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> In the News Outstanding paper award to Nasim Paykari, 21st Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics, June 2024. Machine Intelligence Day, Pace University December... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A group of 16 high achieving MS/HS students from the Bronx Laboratory School of Finance and Technology visited the Fordham Robotics lab January 25th 2019. They received... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Faculty Collaborators Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Paul Benjamin... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview of Recent and Current Research Projects in the FRCV Lab Robotics for small and family farms By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Publications All recent publications now hosted at Fordham University Digital Commons and can be downloaded from there... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Working in conjunction with the Bronx Zoo, we are creating a more efficient way to monitor the Kihansi spray toads with the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCV LAB CHECKLIST Test server and laptop connection to router and internet Check IP Map and make sure all IPs are correct and accounted for. ping... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi robot Fast Model Construction Using Potential Field Objective Using a team of robots to get a map of indoor area within Minimum time Most coverage... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory TWiki. Select a section of the TWiki below (several are visible only to FRCV members and partners,... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Serial Installation of the GPS Units (Stereo Camera Models only See USB installation instructions below for Laser models) 1 Connect the GPS 1 Boot into the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001 Autonomous Robot Exploration Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham) Description Autonomous vehicles and robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Linux ROS Machine The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows: Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS ROS Noetic Desktop... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> igvc2010 Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP StephenFox Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE igvc... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Instructions for maintaining the help documentation This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation. I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to JAUS Installation Download the latest source and build it, including ojNodeManager and ojVehicleSim. Install to /usr/local/jaus, or some place that... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 07:18
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 10:50
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> LAB #1 Before beginning the lab, we noticed the motors were once again loose. It was decided that we to provide additional supports between the frames in order to... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Necessary additional packages we need for the lab: sudo apt get install build essential emacs openssh server cmake setserial git subversion imagemagick libdc1394... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper focuses on the program model checking and the effects of D4V (Design for Verification) on the model checkers efficiency. The paper analyses NASAs Java... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Since we run Debian and Ubuntu based platforms, we must use the Fedora VM image. I followed these steps for installation. 1. Download MissionLab FC4 VMWare image from... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi Robot Exploration Using Potential Field A continuation of James` Multi robot Fast Map Construction. Our goal is , building on James` project, to improve the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> NameGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 I found this website that gives a detailed walk through of a complete (including ffmpeg) installation of OpenCV 2.3.1. I`ve tried it on Bot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot, one move with OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE uses CNL V2.0 peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot goes a straight line peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance 1/17 peng, using cnl V2.0 August 2014 dml This version modified... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance August 2014 dml This version modified from multirobot w OBSTACLE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> 1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Bookmarks of PengTang Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label Return to: PengTang <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> StephenFox 2010 09 02 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots. The authors use an Agent based approach towards finding an optimal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> (sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> #pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX Set up: 1 Required packages: sudo apt get install ros indigo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 14:41
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 08:12
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. 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This is close... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> xxx DamianLyons 2011 06 17 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / BumbleBee2 ROS Driver The BB2 Driver uses package camera1394stereo, which System, Robotics, Vision from the University of... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Server Documentation:Switches have been stacked, but management interface still considers them as two separate switches with the same IP NOTE : 9/5/2010 Turning on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWikiGroups #187; CISDeptGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to the Computing Facilities of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University Overview Computing facilities Logging... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Using CTMC to describe the time steps of robot move Pick an expected value of initial time frame Reduce time for each step with decrease distance from Goal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Notes on filter threshold Must have OpenCV 2.0 or a newer version installed. Result image is stored in a folder (locateed in same folder as the source) called... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; moz box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; webkit box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; box... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Schedule: By 31st of May: Fully read up on/ get familiar with sparse arrays, standard template library. Produce a write up... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> COMPLETED 1. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2012, April 23 27 Baltimore MD; Abstract due Oct 10th 2011. Abstract Submitted. Accepted. Paper Submitted. Minor formatting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My links: My home page My activities Registration become a nop TWiki user list of users of this nop TWiki site TWikiGroups list... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Week 1: Began software update for the robot, desktop and laptop Issued laptop 10 for testing, however, not all of the executables are currently working... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Adding a new n ary operator, ie a function, to matheval Example, lets add the 2 ary function tss blah(a,b). Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add tss blah to the of the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Battery Booster Pack for Mobile Robots P3 AT Intro This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing and as a way to utilize... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing with the Pioneer 3AT robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> register.cpp Notes and Instructions Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that PCL pcd files are in the working directory. No additional... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Effect of Field of View in Stereovision based Visual Homing D.M. Lyons, L. Del Signore, B. Barriage Abstract Navigation is challenging for an autonomous robot operating... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereovision based Visual Homing: Data repository D.M. Lyons, B. Barriage, L. Del Signore, Abstract of the paper Visual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory Demos and Software Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. Robot `imagination` Pictures... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Major Equipment: The Robotics Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment: RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS # SERIAL # LOCATION GPS 1 418949 GPS 2 418953 GPS 3 419328 GPS 4 418855 GPS 5 418954 GPS 6 418866... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Fordham Robotics Computer VisionLaboratory TWIKI icon:tip Welcome Guest look here first icon:persons TWiki Groups... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCVLabGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser, DamianLyons, LabTech, MaggieGates... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / MultiLingual Static Software Analyis Our objective is to provide open source tools that help analyze the way multilingual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Background Large software projects may typically have components written in different languages. Companies that have a large... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Data Files There are three kinds of data files in MLSA: 1 data files that contain a monolingual Abstract Syntax Tree (AST... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Filters and Pipelines AST file generation Clang check is used to generate AST files for C and C programs The Python... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Architecture Lightweight program (which we call filters ) operate on program source files and/or data files and produce data... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Execution To run the software: On the terminal, run the mlcg command with the desired folder or programs as arguments:... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Future Work Extension of the RDA analysis for more complex interoperability aPIs, including use of DATALOG for analysis... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Installation Pre Requirements Clang 3.8 On Ubuntu terminal, type the following commands to install Clang 3.8: sudo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Known Issues C 1 Cannot handle any python calls other than the `PyRun SimpleFile` call. 1 Cannot handle redefinitions... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / System Requirements Linux Ubuntu 14.04 24 Clang 3.8 Python 2.7 GraphViz 2.38 ps2pdf Evince... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory Goto the Main Lab Home Page Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> In the News Outstanding paper award to Nasim Paykari, 21st Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics, June 2024. Machine Intelligence Day, Pace University December... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A group of 16 high achieving MS/HS students from the Bronx Laboratory School of Finance and Technology visited the Fordham Robotics lab January 25th 2019. They received... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Faculty Collaborators Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Paul Benjamin... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview of Recent and Current Research Projects in the FRCV Lab Robotics for small and family farms By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Publications All recent publications now hosted at Fordham University Digital Commons and can be downloaded from there... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Working in conjunction with the Bronx Zoo, we are creating a more efficient way to monitor the Kihansi spray toads with the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCV LAB CHECKLIST Test server and laptop connection to router and internet Check IP Map and make sure all IPs are correct and accounted for. ping... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi robot Fast Model Construction Using Potential Field Objective Using a team of robots to get a map of indoor area within Minimum time Most coverage... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory TWiki. Select a section of the TWiki below (several are visible only to FRCV members and partners,... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Serial Installation of the GPS Units (Stereo Camera Models only See USB installation instructions below for Laser models) 1 Connect the GPS 1 Boot into the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001 Autonomous Robot Exploration Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham) Description Autonomous vehicles and robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Linux ROS Machine The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows: Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS ROS Noetic Desktop... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> igvc2010 Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP StephenFox Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE igvc... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Instructions for maintaining the help documentation This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation. I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to JAUS Installation Download the latest source and build it, including ojNodeManager and ojVehicleSim. 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r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 07:18
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 10:50
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> LAB #1 Before beginning the lab, we noticed the motors were once again loose. It was decided that we to provide additional supports between the frames in order to... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Necessary additional packages we need for the lab: sudo apt get install build essential emacs openssh server cmake setserial git subversion imagemagick libdc1394... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper focuses on the program model checking and the effects of D4V (Design for Verification) on the model checkers efficiency. The paper analyses NASAs Java... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Since we run Debian and Ubuntu based platforms, we must use the Fedora VM image. I followed these steps for installation. 1. Download MissionLab FC4 VMWare image from... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi Robot Exploration Using Potential Field A continuation of James` Multi robot Fast Map Construction. Our goal is , building on James` project, to improve the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> NameGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 I found this website that gives a detailed walk through of a complete (including ffmpeg) installation of OpenCV 2.3.1. I`ve tried it on Bot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot, one move with OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE uses CNL V2.0 peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot goes a straight line peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance 1/17 peng, using cnl V2.0 August 2014 dml This version modified... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance August 2014 dml This version modified from multirobot w OBSTACLE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> 1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Bookmarks of PengTang Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label Return to: PengTang <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> StephenFox 2010 09 02 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots. The authors use an Agent based approach towards finding an optimal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> (sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> #pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX Set up: 1 Required packages: sudo apt get install ros indigo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 14:41
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 08:12
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. 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< < | Results from Main web retrieved at 04:52 (GMT)<--/twikiTopRow--> These are some useful packages for the laptops: Development: subversion mercurial (hg) git texlive full cmake build essential opencv... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The front left bumper was plugged into digital 1. The front right bumper was plugged into digital 2. Front left light sensor was plugged into analog 1. Front right... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> All Authenticated Users Group This is a special group all authenticated users belong. 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This is close... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> xxx DamianLyons 2011 06 17 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / BumbleBee2 ROS Driver The BB2 Driver uses package camera1394stereo, which System, Robotics, Vision from the University of... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Server Documentation:Switches have been stacked, but management interface still considers them as two separate switches with the same IP NOTE : 9/5/2010 Turning on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWikiGroups #187; CISDeptGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to the Computing Facilities of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University Overview Computing facilities Logging... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Using CTMC to describe the time steps of robot move Pick an expected value of initial time frame Reduce time for each step with decrease distance from Goal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Notes on filter threshold Must have OpenCV 2.0 or a newer version installed. Result image is stored in a folder (locateed in same folder as the source) called... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; moz box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; webkit box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; box... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Schedule: By 31st of May: Fully read up on/ get familiar with sparse arrays, standard template library. Produce a write up... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> COMPLETED 1. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2012, April 23 27 Baltimore MD; Abstract due Oct 10th 2011. Abstract Submitted. Accepted. Paper Submitted. Minor formatting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My links: My home page My activities Registration become a nop TWiki user list of users of this nop TWiki site TWikiGroups list... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Week 1: Began software update for the robot, desktop and laptop Issued laptop 10 for testing, however, not all of the executables are currently working... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Adding a new n ary operator, ie a function, to matheval Example, lets add the 2 ary function tss blah(a,b). Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add tss blah to the of the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Battery Booster Pack for Mobile Robots P3 AT Intro This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing and as a way to utilize... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing with the Pioneer 3AT robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> register.cpp Notes and Instructions Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that PCL pcd files are in the working directory. No additional... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Effect of Field of View in Stereovision based Visual Homing D.M. Lyons, L. Del Signore, B. Barriage Abstract Navigation is challenging for an autonomous robot operating... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereovision based Visual Homing: Data repository D.M. Lyons, B. Barriage, L. Del Signore, Abstract of the paper Visual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory Demos and Software Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. Robot `imagination` Pictures... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Major Equipment: The Robotics Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment: RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS # SERIAL # LOCATION GPS 1 418949 GPS 2 418953 GPS 3 419328 GPS 4 418855 GPS 5 418954 GPS 6 418866... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Fordham Robotics Computer VisionLaboratory TWIKI icon:tip Welcome Guest look here first icon:persons TWiki Groups... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCVLabGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser, DamianLyons, LabTech, MaggieGates... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / MultiLingual Static Software Analyis Our objective is to provide open source tools that help analyze the way multilingual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Background Large software projects may typically have components written in different languages. Companies that have a large... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Data Files There are three kinds of data files in MLSA: 1 data files that contain a monolingual Abstract Syntax Tree (AST... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Filters and Pipelines AST file generation Clang check is used to generate AST files for C and C programs The Python... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Architecture Lightweight program (which we call filters ) operate on program source files and/or data files and produce data... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Execution To run the software: On the terminal, run the mlcg command with the desired folder or programs as arguments:... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Future Work Extension of the RDA analysis for more complex interoperability aPIs, including use of DATALOG for analysis... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Installation Pre Requirements Clang 3.8 On Ubuntu terminal, type the following commands to install Clang 3.8: sudo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Known Issues C 1 Cannot handle any python calls other than the `PyRun SimpleFile` call. 1 Cannot handle redefinitions... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / System Requirements Linux Ubuntu 14.04 24 Clang 3.8 Python 2.7 GraphViz 2.38 ps2pdf Evince... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory Goto the Main Lab Home Page Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> In the News Outstanding paper award to Nasim Paykari, 21st Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics, June 2024. Machine Intelligence Day, Pace University December... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A group of 16 high achieving MS/HS students from the Bronx Laboratory School of Finance and Technology visited the Fordham Robotics lab January 25th 2019. They received... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Faculty Collaborators Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Paul Benjamin... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview of Recent and Current Research Projects in the FRCV Lab Robotics for small and family farms By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Publications All recent publications now hosted at Fordham University Digital Commons and can be downloaded from there... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Working in conjunction with the Bronx Zoo, we are creating a more efficient way to monitor the Kihansi spray toads with the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCV LAB CHECKLIST Test server and laptop connection to router and internet Check IP Map and make sure all IPs are correct and accounted for. ping... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi robot Fast Model Construction Using Potential Field Objective Using a team of robots to get a map of indoor area within Minimum time Most coverage... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory TWiki. Select a section of the TWiki below (several are visible only to FRCV members and partners,... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Serial Installation of the GPS Units (Stereo Camera Models only See USB installation instructions below for Laser models) 1 Connect the GPS 1 Boot into the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001 Autonomous Robot Exploration Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham) Description Autonomous vehicles and robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Linux ROS Machine The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows: Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS ROS Noetic Desktop... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> igvc2010 Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP StephenFox Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE igvc... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Instructions for maintaining the help documentation This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation. I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to JAUS Installation Download the latest source and build it, including ojNodeManager and ojVehicleSim. Install to /usr/local/jaus, or some place that... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 07:18
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 10:50
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> LAB #1 Before beginning the lab, we noticed the motors were once again loose. It was decided that we to provide additional supports between the frames in order to... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Necessary additional packages we need for the lab: sudo apt get install build essential emacs openssh server cmake setserial git subversion imagemagick libdc1394... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper focuses on the program model checking and the effects of D4V (Design for Verification) on the model checkers efficiency. The paper analyses NASAs Java... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Since we run Debian and Ubuntu based platforms, we must use the Fedora VM image. I followed these steps for installation. 1. Download MissionLab FC4 VMWare image from... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi Robot Exploration Using Potential Field A continuation of James` Multi robot Fast Map Construction. Our goal is , building on James` project, to improve the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> NameGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 I found this website that gives a detailed walk through of a complete (including ffmpeg) installation of OpenCV 2.3.1. I`ve tried it on Bot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot, one move with OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE uses CNL V2.0 peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot goes a straight line peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance 1/17 peng, using cnl V2.0 August 2014 dml This version modified... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance August 2014 dml This version modified from multirobot w OBSTACLE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> 1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Bookmarks of PengTang Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label Return to: PengTang <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> StephenFox 2010 09 02 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots. The authors use an Agent based approach towards finding an optimal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> (sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> #pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX Set up: 1 Required packages: sudo apt get install ros indigo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 14:41
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 08:12
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. 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This is close... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> xxx DamianLyons 2011 06 17 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / BumbleBee2 ROS Driver The BB2 Driver uses package camera1394stereo, which System, Robotics, Vision from the University of... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Server Documentation:Switches have been stacked, but management interface still considers them as two separate switches with the same IP NOTE : 9/5/2010 Turning on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWikiGroups #187; CISDeptGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to the Computing Facilities of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University Overview Computing facilities Logging... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Using CTMC to describe the time steps of robot move Pick an expected value of initial time frame Reduce time for each step with decrease distance from Goal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Notes on filter threshold Must have OpenCV 2.0 or a newer version installed. Result image is stored in a folder (locateed in same folder as the source) called... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; moz box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; webkit box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; box... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Schedule: By 31st of May: Fully read up on/ get familiar with sparse arrays, standard template library. Produce a write up... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> COMPLETED 1. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2012, April 23 27 Baltimore MD; Abstract due Oct 10th 2011. Abstract Submitted. Accepted. Paper Submitted. Minor formatting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My links: My home page My activities Registration become a nop TWiki user list of users of this nop TWiki site TWikiGroups list... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Week 1: Began software update for the robot, desktop and laptop Issued laptop 10 for testing, however, not all of the executables are currently working... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Adding a new n ary operator, ie a function, to matheval Example, lets add the 2 ary function tss blah(a,b). Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add tss blah to the of the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Battery Booster Pack for Mobile Robots P3 AT Intro This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing and as a way to utilize... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing with the Pioneer 3AT robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> register.cpp Notes and Instructions Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that PCL pcd files are in the working directory. No additional... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Effect of Field of View in Stereovision based Visual Homing D.M. Lyons, L. Del Signore, B. Barriage Abstract Navigation is challenging for an autonomous robot operating... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereovision based Visual Homing: Data repository D.M. Lyons, B. Barriage, L. Del Signore, Abstract of the paper Visual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory Demos and Software Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. Robot `imagination` Pictures... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Major Equipment: The Robotics Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment: RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS # SERIAL # LOCATION GPS 1 418949 GPS 2 418953 GPS 3 419328 GPS 4 418855 GPS 5 418954 GPS 6 418866... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Fordham Robotics Computer VisionLaboratory TWIKI icon:tip Welcome Guest look here first icon:persons TWiki Groups... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCVLabGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser, DamianLyons, LabTech, MaggieGates... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / MultiLingual Static Software Analyis Our objective is to provide open source tools that help analyze the way multilingual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Background Large software projects may typically have components written in different languages. Companies that have a large... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Data Files There are three kinds of data files in MLSA: 1 data files that contain a monolingual Abstract Syntax Tree (AST... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Filters and Pipelines AST file generation Clang check is used to generate AST files for C and C programs The Python... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Architecture Lightweight program (which we call filters ) operate on program source files and/or data files and produce data... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Execution To run the software: On the terminal, run the mlcg command with the desired folder or programs as arguments:... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Future Work Extension of the RDA analysis for more complex interoperability aPIs, including use of DATALOG for analysis... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Installation Pre Requirements Clang 3.8 On Ubuntu terminal, type the following commands to install Clang 3.8: sudo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Known Issues C 1 Cannot handle any python calls other than the `PyRun SimpleFile` call. 1 Cannot handle redefinitions... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / System Requirements Linux Ubuntu 14.04 24 Clang 3.8 Python 2.7 GraphViz 2.38 ps2pdf Evince... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory Goto the Main Lab Home Page Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> In the News Outstanding paper award to Nasim Paykari, 21st Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics, June 2024. Machine Intelligence Day, Pace University December... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A group of 16 high achieving MS/HS students from the Bronx Laboratory School of Finance and Technology visited the Fordham Robotics lab January 25th 2019. They received... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Faculty Collaborators Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Paul Benjamin... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview of Recent and Current Research Projects in the FRCV Lab Robotics for small and family farms By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Publications All recent publications now hosted at Fordham University Digital Commons and can be downloaded from there... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Working in conjunction with the Bronx Zoo, we are creating a more efficient way to monitor the Kihansi spray toads with the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCV LAB CHECKLIST Test server and laptop connection to router and internet Check IP Map and make sure all IPs are correct and accounted for. ping... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi robot Fast Model Construction Using Potential Field Objective Using a team of robots to get a map of indoor area within Minimum time Most coverage... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory TWiki. Select a section of the TWiki below (several are visible only to FRCV members and partners,... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Serial Installation of the GPS Units (Stereo Camera Models only See USB installation instructions below for Laser models) 1 Connect the GPS 1 Boot into the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001 Autonomous Robot Exploration Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham) Description Autonomous vehicles and robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Linux ROS Machine The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows: Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS ROS Noetic Desktop... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> igvc2010 Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP StephenFox Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE igvc... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Instructions for maintaining the help documentation This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation. I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to JAUS Installation Download the latest source and build it, including ojNodeManager and ojVehicleSim. 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r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 07:18
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 10:50
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> LAB #1 Before beginning the lab, we noticed the motors were once again loose. It was decided that we to provide additional supports between the frames in order to... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Necessary additional packages we need for the lab: sudo apt get install build essential emacs openssh server cmake setserial git subversion imagemagick libdc1394... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper focuses on the program model checking and the effects of D4V (Design for Verification) on the model checkers efficiency. The paper analyses NASAs Java... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Since we run Debian and Ubuntu based platforms, we must use the Fedora VM image. I followed these steps for installation. 1. Download MissionLab FC4 VMWare image from... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi Robot Exploration Using Potential Field A continuation of James` Multi robot Fast Map Construction. Our goal is , building on James` project, to improve the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> NameGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 I found this website that gives a detailed walk through of a complete (including ffmpeg) installation of OpenCV 2.3.1. I`ve tried it on Bot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot, one move with OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE uses CNL V2.0 peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot goes a straight line peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance 1/17 peng, using cnl V2.0 August 2014 dml This version modified... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance August 2014 dml This version modified from multirobot w OBSTACLE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> 1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Bookmarks of PengTang Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label Return to: PengTang <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> StephenFox 2010 09 02 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots. The authors use an Agent based approach towards finding an optimal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> (sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> #pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX Set up: 1 Required packages: sudo apt get install ros indigo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 14:41
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 08:12
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. 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Results from Main web retrieved at 04:52 (GMT)<--/twikiTopRow--> These are some useful packages for the laptops: Development: subversion mercurial (hg) git texlive full cmake build essential opencv... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The front left bumper was plugged into digital 1. The front right bumper was plugged into digital 2. Front left light sensor was plugged into analog 1. Front right... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> All Authenticated Users Group This is a special group all authenticated users belong. 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Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to the Computing Facilities of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University Overview Computing facilities Logging... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Using CTMC to describe the time steps of robot move Pick an expected value of initial time frame Reduce time for each step with decrease distance from Goal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Notes on filter threshold Must have OpenCV 2.0 or a newer version installed. Result image is stored in a folder (locateed in same folder as the source) called... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; moz box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; webkit box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; box... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Schedule: By 31st of May: Fully read up on/ get familiar with sparse arrays, standard template library. Produce a write up... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> COMPLETED 1. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2012, April 23 27 Baltimore MD; Abstract due Oct 10th 2011. Abstract Submitted. Accepted. Paper Submitted. Minor formatting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My links: My home page My activities Registration become a nop TWiki user list of users of this nop TWiki site TWikiGroups list... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Week 1: Began software update for the robot, desktop and laptop Issued laptop 10 for testing, however, not all of the executables are currently working... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Adding a new n ary operator, ie a function, to matheval Example, lets add the 2 ary function tss blah(a,b). Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add tss blah to the of the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Battery Booster Pack for Mobile Robots P3 AT Intro This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing and as a way to utilize... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing with the Pioneer 3AT robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> register.cpp Notes and Instructions Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that PCL pcd files are in the working directory. No additional... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Effect of Field of View in Stereovision based Visual Homing D.M. Lyons, L. Del Signore, B. Barriage Abstract Navigation is challenging for an autonomous robot operating... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereovision based Visual Homing: Data repository D.M. Lyons, B. Barriage, L. Del Signore, Abstract of the paper Visual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory Demos and Software Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. Robot `imagination` Pictures... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Major Equipment: The Robotics Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment: RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS # SERIAL # LOCATION GPS 1 418949 GPS 2 418953 GPS 3 419328 GPS 4 418855 GPS 5 418954 GPS 6 418866... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Fordham Robotics Computer VisionLaboratory TWIKI icon:tip Welcome Guest look here first icon:persons TWiki Groups... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCVLabGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser, DamianLyons, LabTech, MaggieGates... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / MultiLingual Static Software Analyis Our objective is to provide open source tools that help analyze the way multilingual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Background Large software projects may typically have components written in different languages. Companies that have a large... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Data Files There are three kinds of data files in MLSA: 1 data files that contain a monolingual Abstract Syntax Tree (AST... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Filters and Pipelines AST file generation Clang check is used to generate AST files for C and C programs The Python... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Architecture Lightweight program (which we call filters ) operate on program source files and/or data files and produce data... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Execution To run the software: On the terminal, run the mlcg command with the desired folder or programs as arguments:... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Future Work Extension of the RDA analysis for more complex interoperability aPIs, including use of DATALOG for analysis... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Installation Pre Requirements Clang 3.8 On Ubuntu terminal, type the following commands to install Clang 3.8: sudo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Known Issues C 1 Cannot handle any python calls other than the `PyRun SimpleFile` call. 1 Cannot handle redefinitions... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / System Requirements Linux Ubuntu 14.04 24 Clang 3.8 Python 2.7 GraphViz 2.38 ps2pdf Evince... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory Goto the Main Lab Home Page Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> In the News Outstanding paper award to Nasim Paykari, 21st Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics, June 2024. Machine Intelligence Day, Pace University December... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A group of 16 high achieving MS/HS students from the Bronx Laboratory School of Finance and Technology visited the Fordham Robotics lab January 25th 2019. They received... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Faculty Collaborators Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Paul Benjamin... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview of Recent and Current Research Projects in the FRCV Lab Robotics for small and family farms By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Publications All recent publications now hosted at Fordham University Digital Commons and can be downloaded from there... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Working in conjunction with the Bronx Zoo, we are creating a more efficient way to monitor the Kihansi spray toads with the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCV LAB CHECKLIST Test server and laptop connection to router and internet Check IP Map and make sure all IPs are correct and accounted for. ping... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi robot Fast Model Construction Using Potential Field Objective Using a team of robots to get a map of indoor area within Minimum time Most coverage... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory TWiki. Select a section of the TWiki below (several are visible only to FRCV members and partners,... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Serial Installation of the GPS Units (Stereo Camera Models only See USB installation instructions below for Laser models) 1 Connect the GPS 1 Boot into the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001 Autonomous Robot Exploration Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham) Description Autonomous vehicles and robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Linux ROS Machine The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows: Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS ROS Noetic Desktop... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> igvc2010 Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP StephenFox Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE igvc... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Instructions for maintaining the help documentation This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation. I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to JAUS Installation Download the latest source and build it, including ojNodeManager and ojVehicleSim. Install to /usr/local/jaus, or some place that... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 07:18
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 10:50
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> LAB #1 Before beginning the lab, we noticed the motors were once again loose. It was decided that we to provide additional supports between the frames in order to... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Necessary additional packages we need for the lab: sudo apt get install build essential emacs openssh server cmake setserial git subversion imagemagick libdc1394... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper focuses on the program model checking and the effects of D4V (Design for Verification) on the model checkers efficiency. The paper analyses NASAs Java... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Since we run Debian and Ubuntu based platforms, we must use the Fedora VM image. I followed these steps for installation. 1. Download MissionLab FC4 VMWare image from... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi Robot Exploration Using Potential Field A continuation of James` Multi robot Fast Map Construction. Our goal is , building on James` project, to improve the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> NameGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 I found this website that gives a detailed walk through of a complete (including ffmpeg) installation of OpenCV 2.3.1. I`ve tried it on Bot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot, one move with OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE uses CNL V2.0 peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot goes a straight line peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance 1/17 peng, using cnl V2.0 August 2014 dml This version modified... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance August 2014 dml This version modified from multirobot w OBSTACLE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> 1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Bookmarks of PengTang Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label Return to: PengTang <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> StephenFox 2010 09 02 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots. The authors use an Agent based approach towards finding an optimal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> (sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> #pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX Set up: 1 Required packages: sudo apt get install ros indigo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 14:41
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 08:12
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. 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Results from Main web retrieved at 04:52 (GMT)<--/twikiTopRow--> These are some useful packages for the laptops: Development: subversion mercurial (hg) git texlive full cmake build essential opencv... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The front left bumper was plugged into digital 1. The front right bumper was plugged into digital 2. Front left light sensor was plugged into analog 1. Front right... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> All Authenticated Users Group This is a special group all authenticated users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction at the topic level... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> All Users Group This is a special group literally all users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction at the topic level. This is close... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> xxx DamianLyons 2011 06 17 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / BumbleBee2 ROS Driver The BB2 Driver uses package camera1394stereo, which System, Robotics, Vision from the University of... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Server Documentation:Switches have been stacked, but management interface still considers them as two separate switches with the same IP NOTE : 9/5/2010 Turning on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWikiGroups #187; CISDeptGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to the Computing Facilities of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University Overview Computing facilities Logging... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Using CTMC to describe the time steps of robot move Pick an expected value of initial time frame Reduce time for each step with decrease distance from Goal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Notes on filter threshold Must have OpenCV 2.0 or a newer version installed. Result image is stored in a folder (locateed in same folder as the source) called... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; moz box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; webkit box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; box... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Schedule: By 31st of May: Fully read up on/ get familiar with sparse arrays, standard template library. Produce a write up... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> COMPLETED 1. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2012, April 23 27 Baltimore MD; Abstract due Oct 10th 2011. Abstract Submitted. Accepted. Paper Submitted. Minor formatting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My links: My home page My activities Registration become a nop TWiki user list of users of this nop TWiki site TWikiGroups list... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Week 1: Began software update for the robot, desktop and laptop Issued laptop 10 for testing, however, not all of the executables are currently working... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Adding a new n ary operator, ie a function, to matheval Example, lets add the 2 ary function tss blah(a,b). Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add tss blah to the of the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Battery Booster Pack for Mobile Robots P3 AT Intro This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing and as a way to utilize... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing with the Pioneer 3AT robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> register.cpp Notes and Instructions Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that PCL pcd files are in the working directory. No additional... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Effect of Field of View in Stereovision based Visual Homing D.M. Lyons, L. Del Signore, B. Barriage Abstract Navigation is challenging for an autonomous robot operating... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereovision based Visual Homing: Data repository D.M. Lyons, B. Barriage, L. Del Signore, Abstract of the paper Visual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory Demos and Software Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. Robot `imagination` Pictures... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Major Equipment: The Robotics Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment: RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS # SERIAL # LOCATION GPS 1 418949 GPS 2 418953 GPS 3 419328 GPS 4 418855 GPS 5 418954 GPS 6 418866... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Fordham Robotics Computer VisionLaboratory TWIKI icon:tip Welcome Guest look here first icon:persons TWiki Groups... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCVLabGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser, DamianLyons, LabTech, MaggieGates... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / MultiLingual Static Software Analyis Our objective is to provide open source tools that help analyze the way multilingual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Background Large software projects may typically have components written in different languages. Companies that have a large... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Data Files There are three kinds of data files in MLSA: 1 data files that contain a monolingual Abstract Syntax Tree (AST... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Filters and Pipelines AST file generation Clang check is used to generate AST files for C and C programs The Python... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Architecture Lightweight program (which we call filters ) operate on program source files and/or data files and produce data... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Execution To run the software: On the terminal, run the mlcg command with the desired folder or programs as arguments:... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Future Work Extension of the RDA analysis for more complex interoperability aPIs, including use of DATALOG for analysis... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Installation Pre Requirements Clang 3.8 On Ubuntu terminal, type the following commands to install Clang 3.8: sudo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Known Issues C 1 Cannot handle any python calls other than the `PyRun SimpleFile` call. 1 Cannot handle redefinitions... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / System Requirements Linux Ubuntu 14.04 24 Clang 3.8 Python 2.7 GraphViz 2.38 ps2pdf Evince... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory Goto the Main Lab Home Page Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> In the News Outstanding paper award to Nasim Paykari, 21st Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics, June 2024. Machine Intelligence Day, Pace University December... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A group of 16 high achieving MS/HS students from the Bronx Laboratory School of Finance and Technology visited the Fordham Robotics lab January 25th 2019. They received... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Faculty Collaborators Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Paul Benjamin... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview of Recent and Current Research Projects in the FRCV Lab Robotics for small and family farms By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Publications All recent publications now hosted at Fordham University Digital Commons and can be downloaded from there... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Working in conjunction with the Bronx Zoo, we are creating a more efficient way to monitor the Kihansi spray toads with the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCV LAB CHECKLIST Test server and laptop connection to router and internet Check IP Map and make sure all IPs are correct and accounted for. ping... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi robot Fast Model Construction Using Potential Field Objective Using a team of robots to get a map of indoor area within Minimum time Most coverage... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory TWiki. Select a section of the TWiki below (several are visible only to FRCV members and partners,... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Serial Installation of the GPS Units (Stereo Camera Models only See USB installation instructions below for Laser models) 1 Connect the GPS 1 Boot into the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001 Autonomous Robot Exploration Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham) Description Autonomous vehicles and robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Linux ROS Machine The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows: Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS ROS Noetic Desktop... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> igvc2010 Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP StephenFox Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE igvc... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Instructions for maintaining the help documentation This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation. I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to JAUS Installation Download the latest source and build it, including ojNodeManager and ojVehicleSim. Install to /usr/local/jaus, or some place that... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 07:18
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 10:50
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> LAB #1 Before beginning the lab, we noticed the motors were once again loose. It was decided that we to provide additional supports between the frames in order to... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Necessary additional packages we need for the lab: sudo apt get install build essential emacs openssh server cmake setserial git subversion imagemagick libdc1394... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper focuses on the program model checking and the effects of D4V (Design for Verification) on the model checkers efficiency. The paper analyses NASAs Java... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Since we run Debian and Ubuntu based platforms, we must use the Fedora VM image. I followed these steps for installation. 1. Download MissionLab FC4 VMWare image from... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi Robot Exploration Using Potential Field A continuation of James` Multi robot Fast Map Construction. Our goal is , building on James` project, to improve the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> NameGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 I found this website that gives a detailed walk through of a complete (including ffmpeg) installation of OpenCV 2.3.1. I`ve tried it on Bot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot, one move with OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE uses CNL V2.0 peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot goes a straight line peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance 1/17 peng, using cnl V2.0 August 2014 dml This version modified... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance August 2014 dml This version modified from multirobot w OBSTACLE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> 1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Bookmarks of PengTang Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label Return to: PengTang <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> StephenFox 2010 09 02 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots. The authors use an Agent based approach towards finding an optimal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> (sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> #pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX Set up: 1 Required packages: sudo apt get install ros indigo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 14:41
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 08:12
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. 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Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to the Computing Facilities of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University Overview Computing facilities Logging... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Using CTMC to describe the time steps of robot move Pick an expected value of initial time frame Reduce time for each step with decrease distance from Goal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Notes on filter threshold Must have OpenCV 2.0 or a newer version installed. Result image is stored in a folder (locateed in same folder as the source) called... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; moz box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; webkit box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; box... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Schedule: By 31st of May: Fully read up on/ get familiar with sparse arrays, standard template library. Produce a write up... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> COMPLETED 1. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2012, April 23 27 Baltimore MD; Abstract due Oct 10th 2011. Abstract Submitted. Accepted. Paper Submitted. Minor formatting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My links: My home page My activities Registration become a nop TWiki user list of users of this nop TWiki site TWikiGroups list... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Week 1: Began software update for the robot, desktop and laptop Issued laptop 10 for testing, however, not all of the executables are currently working... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Adding a new n ary operator, ie a function, to matheval Example, lets add the 2 ary function tss blah(a,b). Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add tss blah to the of the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Battery Booster Pack for Mobile Robots P3 AT Intro This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing and as a way to utilize... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing with the Pioneer 3AT robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> register.cpp Notes and Instructions Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that PCL pcd files are in the working directory. No additional... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Effect of Field of View in Stereovision based Visual Homing D.M. Lyons, L. Del Signore, B. Barriage Abstract Navigation is challenging for an autonomous robot operating... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereovision based Visual Homing: Data repository D.M. Lyons, B. Barriage, L. Del Signore, Abstract of the paper Visual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory Demos and Software Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. Robot `imagination` Pictures... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Major Equipment: The Robotics Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment: RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS # SERIAL # LOCATION GPS 1 418949 GPS 2 418953 GPS 3 419328 GPS 4 418855 GPS 5 418954 GPS 6 418866... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Fordham Robotics Computer VisionLaboratory TWIKI icon:tip Welcome Guest look here first icon:persons TWiki Groups... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCVLabGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser, DamianLyons, LabTech, MaggieGates... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / MultiLingual Static Software Analyis Our objective is to provide open source tools that help analyze the way multilingual... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Background Large software projects may typically have components written in different languages. Companies that have a large... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Data Files There are three kinds of data files in MLSA: 1 data files that contain a monolingual Abstract Syntax Tree (AST... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Filters and Pipelines AST file generation Clang check is used to generate AST files for C and C programs The Python... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Architecture Lightweight program (which we call filters ) operate on program source files and/or data files and produce data... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Execution To run the software: On the terminal, run the mlcg command with the desired folder or programs as arguments:... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Future Work Extension of the RDA analysis for more complex interoperability aPIs, including use of DATALOG for analysis... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Installation Pre Requirements Clang 3.8 On Ubuntu terminal, type the following commands to install Clang 3.8: sudo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Known Issues C 1 Cannot handle any python calls other than the `PyRun SimpleFile` call. 1 Cannot handle redefinitions... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / System Requirements Linux Ubuntu 14.04 24 Clang 3.8 Python 2.7 GraphViz 2.38 ps2pdf Evince... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory Goto the Main Lab Home Page Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> In the News Outstanding paper award to Nasim Paykari, 21st Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics, June 2024. Machine Intelligence Day, Pace University December... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A group of 16 high achieving MS/HS students from the Bronx Laboratory School of Finance and Technology visited the Fordham Robotics lab January 25th 2019. They received... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Faculty Collaborators Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Paul Benjamin... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Overview of Recent and Current Research Projects in the FRCV Lab Robotics for small and family farms By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Publications All recent publications now hosted at Fordham University Digital Commons and can be downloaded from there... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Working in conjunction with the Bronx Zoo, we are creating a more efficient way to monitor the Kihansi spray toads with the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FRCV LAB CHECKLIST Test server and laptop connection to router and internet Check IP Map and make sure all IPs are correct and accounted for. ping... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi robot Fast Model Construction Using Potential Field Objective Using a team of robots to get a map of indoor area within Minimum time Most coverage... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Welcome to the Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory TWiki. Select a section of the TWiki below (several are visible only to FRCV members and partners,... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Serial Installation of the GPS Units (Stereo Camera Models only See USB installation instructions below for Laser models) 1 Connect the GPS 1 Boot into the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001 Autonomous Robot Exploration Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham) Description Autonomous vehicles and robots... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Linux ROS Machine The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows: Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS ROS Noetic Desktop... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> igvc2010 Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP StephenFox Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE igvc... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Instructions for maintaining the help documentation This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation. I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Introduction to JAUS Installation Download the latest source and build it, including ojNodeManager and ojVehicleSim. Install to /usr/local/jaus, or some place that... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 07:18
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 10:50
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> LAB #1 Before beginning the lab, we noticed the motors were once again loose. It was decided that we to provide additional supports between the frames in order to... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Necessary additional packages we need for the lab: sudo apt get install build essential emacs openssh server cmake setserial git subversion imagemagick libdc1394... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Watchlist Return to: DamianLyons <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper focuses on the program model checking and the effects of D4V (Design for Verification) on the model checkers efficiency. The paper analyses NASAs Java... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Since we run Debian and Ubuntu based platforms, we must use the Fedora VM image. I followed these steps for installation. 1. Download MissionLab FC4 VMWare image from... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multi Robot Exploration Using Potential Field A continuation of James` Multi robot Fast Map Construction. Our goal is , building on James` project, to improve the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> NameGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 I found this website that gives a detailed walk through of a complete (including ffmpeg) installation of OpenCV 2.3.1. I`ve tried it on Bot... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot, one move with OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE uses CNL V2.0 peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot goes a straight line peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance 1/17 peng, using cnl V2.0 August 2014 dml This version modified... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance August 2014 dml This version modified from multirobot w OBSTACLE... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> 1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Bookmarks of PengTang Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label Return to: PengTang <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> StephenFox 2010 09 02 <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots. The authors use an Agent based approach towards finding an optimal... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> (sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> #pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> meta name `robots` content `noindex` / How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX Set up: 1 Required packages: sudo apt get install ros indigo... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2969479164Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-17 - 14:41
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult-->
r35 - X2978563228Y3_2Z)_script" rel='nofollow'>2021-08-24 - 08:12
<--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. 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TWikiContributor lists... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION Persons... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki Groups Use these groups to define fine grained access control in TWiki: New Group: ^ A group topic name must be a WikiWord and must end in... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The TWikiGuest User A guest of this TWiki site, or a user who is not logged in. Register create an account to participate in this TWiki site Starting points... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Local customizations of site wide preferences Site level preferences are located in 1 , however this 2 prefs topic has override priority and should be used for... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The TWikiRegistrationAgent User This is a TWiki user used by TWiki when it registers new users. This user has special access to write to , and does not have... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Measurement requirements: meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Measurement requirements: Measurement Set 1: 1. Measure the dimensions of the Tumbler... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My links: My home page edit <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> The UnknownUser User UnknownUser is a reserved name in TWiki. If the UnknownUser appears, it is probably because author information for a topic could not be recovered... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> FirstName LastName Email WikiName Kyle Ryan kryan84 #64; KyleRyan <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Report for Bulk Register Registering KyleRyan KyleRyan has been added to the password and user mapping managers Writing topic KyleRyan RegistrationHandler... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Header of User Homepages Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top of... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki User List Filter: Clear Total: <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> User List sorted by date joined / updated <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> User List sorted by location <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> User List showing all photographs If TWiki:Plugins.ImageGalleryPlugin is installed this page will show photos and names of all registered users. <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Related topics: <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Header of User Profile Pages Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki Administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Using VirtualBox Fullscreen or Seamless Mode When using VirtualBox to run a virtual Windows session, you will probably prefer to use either Fullscreen Mode or Seamless... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> TWiki`s Main web The web for users, groups and offices. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform. <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> 1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Web Notification This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Main web. This is a convenient service, so... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Main Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Main web. These preferences override the site level preferences in . and... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> /Main The web for users, groups and offices. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform. <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Top Menu of Main Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Main web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Users Groups... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> <--/twikiTopRow--> My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on... <--/twikiSummary--> <--/twikiBottomRow--> <--/patternSearchResult--> Number of topics: 181 <--/patternSearchResultCount--> |