Difference: RobotTestSuite ( vs. 1)

Revision 12015-11-10 - TWikiGuest

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META TOPICPARENT name="AdditionalLaptopPackages"
A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has.

The following programs are in the testing suite:

  1. camCapture
  2. cameraCalibration
  3. DPPUtest
  4. GyroTCM2test
  5. PTZtest
  6. showStero
  7. storeVideo
  8. gps-serial
  9. inspect
  10. seeVideo
  11. storeLaser

Each robot should be able to compile each program properly by typing "make <programname>". Note, do not include the ".c" extension when building. If the robot has the appropriate hardware, the functionality of the program should be consistent with the description in the README file.

A snapshot of the code as of 2/9/2012 can be found here: Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-749fab1e7a89.tar.bz2

A note on using the built-in makefiles: As of 1/31 when Stephen Fox uploaded this code to the Twiki, the makefiles specified LDFLAGS in the makefile. It is better to use LDLIBS, because LDFLAGS is not properly supported by the latest version of g++. If you have trouble linking with one of the makefiles, try changing this.

And I've uploaded it to the lab's bitbucket account as a private git repository. To untar a .tar.bz2 file, in the linux shell:

  • mkdir extracted-files
  • cd extracted-files
  • tar xzf file.tar.bz2

If packed correctly, it will extract to a separate folder, but better to do it in a new folder

-- StephenFox - 2010-09-02

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-08ed2532fc5a.tar.bz2" attr="" comment="" date="1328109503" name="Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-08ed2532fc5a.tar.bz2" path="Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-08ed2532fc5a.tar.bz2" size="1780867" stream="Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-08ed2532fc5a.tar.bz2" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp10245" user="StephenFox" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-749fab1e7a89.tar.bz2" attr="" comment="" date="1328767580" name="Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-749fab1e7a89.tar.bz2" path="Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-749fab1e7a89.tar.bz2" size="1780915" stream="Frcvlab-frcvlibrary-749fab1e7a89.tar.bz2" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp23774" user="StephenFox" version="1"
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