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META TOPICPARENT name="CISDeptSystemsHelp"

Instructions for maintaining the help documentation

This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation.

I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial tutorial before continuing.

  • To update pages, just click the Edit button and authenticate if not already logged in.
  • To add a new page, first invent a WikiWord for the page. A WikiWord consists of two or more words jammed together without intervening space, with the first letter of each word capitalized. Insert a link to this WikiWord into an existing page that is to be the parent of the new page. This can be done either by simply typing the WikiWord (in which case the link text will be the WikiWord), or by using the bracket notation [[WikiWord][link text]] . For instance, a page could have the name LoggingIn. To have the text “How to log in” link to the LoggingIn page, enter [[LoggingIn][How to log in]] . Save the parent page. The link will appear in red since the page it refers to does not exist. Click on the link and the new page will be opened for editing. Once you create the content and click Save, the page will exist.

Style conventions

Please maintain a consistent style for the help documentation pages.

  • First, include a page title using Heading 1 format.
  • Use typewriter font (the Aa toolbar button) for commands. (Note that anything that looks like a WikiWord can be prevented from being treated as one by formatting it with the LITERAL attribute or escaping by prefixing it with an exclamation point.)
  • Give each page a WikiWord name that starts with SystemsHelp . (This page is an exception.)
  • Limit the users who can edit the page to those belonging to CISDeptGroup. This can be done either by adding a line saying "Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = CISDeptGroup" at the end of the page (see example below), or, outside of edit mode, by clicking on More Topic Actions, selecting Edit Topic Preference Settings, and adding a line consisting of three blank spaces, an asterisk, another space and then the above phrase. (An example is the parent of this page.) Using the latter method means the permission setting is not visible in the page itself.

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