Difference: PopirlanDupac2008Annotations ( vs. 1)

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META TOPICPARENT name="DTRAAnnotatedBibliography"
  • This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots.
  • The authors use an Agent-based approach towards finding an optimal path solution, and constructing the path using an A* algorithm approach.
  • The approach does not utilize a single robot. The authors approach is based on a 'team' of robots (who are agents) cooperating with other agents.
  • The three robots are slave agents, their task is to construct the path using the A* approach. The other agent is the master agent - responsible for low-level control of the slave agents.
  • Paper presents a strong, detailed background regarding the Kinematic and Dynamic constraints of the autonomous car-like (as the author states) robot. Some background on A* algorithms and Path Analysis is presented.
  • No simulations/experiments used to validate the proposed model.

Note: Paper contains an abundance of grammatical errors.

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-- PremNirmal - 2011-08-04

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