Difference: PARS-cpr2 ( vs. 1)

Revision 12015-01-16 - PengTang

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Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files.

New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move_to and spin. The move_to function now contains a goal tolerance which in the old move_to we need to subtract the goal tolerance manually. As for the spin, It changes from inputting an absolute angle to a relative angle.

Two new functions are added to the CNL in order to apply the new spin function -- smaller(a, b) and rotation(rad, rad). The former serves the purpose of selecting the smaller variable in a and b, the latter rotate the robot with the input argument of radian(two input arguments have the same value).

One new process is added to the CNL-- spin_done, whose function is to check if the spin process if finished.

Number of input parameters changes, mostly cases it increases.

Description of Mission Shutest2Robot1_NS

The mission Shutest2Robot1_NS is one robot goes a straight line, then turn 90 degree, and lastly goes a straight line.

Shutest2Robot1_NS old mission file

Shutest2Robot1_NS new mission file

Result Analysis

There is no any difference between old and new mission in terms of time criteria.

A slight difference for the spatial criteria. The first part of straight line and the spin have the same result, but for the second straight line move, the goal is (17497.5, 12500) instead of desired (17500, 12500)

-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

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