Difference: FRCVLabMain (1 vs. 6)

Revision 62016-11-01 - DamianLyons

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Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics & Computer Vision Laboratory


Due to some unexpected resource issues we are now running a minimal site. The full site will return soon.

The Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory (FRCVLab) is chartered to conduct research and education in the scientific principles of autonomous multirobot systems. The FRCVLab draws students and faculty from many disciplines at Fordham; while primarily Computer Science, it also includes Physics, Engineering, and Psychology and Math. However, the Lab focuses in general on the algorithmic aspects of the autonomous multirobot problem and on the production of software and experimental results.

With funding from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (dtra.mil), the Dept. of Energy (www.energy.gov) and the Army Office of Research (arl.army.mil), the FRCVLab has developed unique and novel theory, algorithms and feasibility implementations addressing many of the challenges in deploying teams of autonomous mobile robots for applications such as area search, area surveillance, fast collection and transfer of situational awareness data, explosive ordinance and threat detection. Research is conducted by faculty, graduate as well as undergraduate students (of which the lab supports several on internal and external research funding).

The FRCVLab participates in several courses related to Robotics and Parallel Computation taught by the Computer and Information Science Department, including Introduction to Robotics, Robotics and Animation, Parallel Computation, and Brains and Behaviors. However, students who engage in research work in the Lab also receive a unique training in group software development, working with large, pre-existing software projects, real-time programming, mechatronic systems programming, parallel computation and application of complex computing theory to practice.

Publications       People       Equipment       In the news       Projects

Goto the Main Lab Home Page
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Revision 52015-06-23 - DamianLyons

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Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics & Computer Vision Laboratory

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 Publications       People       Equipment      
In the news      

Revision 42015-06-22 - DamianLyons

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Fordham Robotics & Computer Vision Lab


Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics & Computer Vision Laboratory


Due to some unexpected resource issues we are now running a minimal site. The full site will return soon.

The Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory (FRCVLab) is chartered to conduct research and education in the scientific principles of autonomous multirobot systems. The FRCVLab draws students and faculty from many disciplines at Fordham; while primarily Computer Science, it also includes Physics, Engineering, and Psychology and Math. However, the Lab focuses in general on the algorithmic aspects of the autonomous multirobot problem and on the production of software and experimental results.

With funding from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (dtra.mil), the Dept. of Energy (www.energy.gov) and the Army Office of Research (arl.army.mil), the FRCVLab has developed unique and novel theory, algorithms and feasibility implementations addressing many of the challenges in deploying teams of autonomous mobile robots for applications such as area search, area surveillance, fast collection and transfer of situational awareness data, explosive ordinance and threat detection. Research is conducted by faculty, graduate as well as undergraduate students (of which the lab supports several on internal and external research funding).

The FRCVLab participates in several courses related to Robotics and Parallel Computation taught by the Computer and Information Science Department, including Introduction to Robotics, Robotics and Animation, Parallel Computation, and Brains and Behaviors. However, students who engage in research work in the Lab also receive a unique training in group software development, working with large, pre-existing software projects, real-time programming, mechatronic systems programming, parallel computation and application of complex computing theory to practice.


Lab Publications
Publications       People       Equipment       Projects

  • Persons/group who can change the list:

Revision 32015-05-08 - DamianLyons

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Fordham Robotics & Computer Vision Lab

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  Lab Publications
  • Persons/group who can change the list:
 -- Damian Lyons - 2015-05-06

Revision 22015-05-07 - DamianLyons

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Fordham Robotics & Computer Vision Lab

Revision 12015-05-06 - DamianLyons

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Fordham Robotics & Computer Vision Lab

Lab Publications

-- Damian Lyons - 2015-05-06

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