Difference: BB2Driver (1 vs. 5)

Revision 52019-04-04 - LabTech

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BumbleBee2 ROS Driver

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  -- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="BB2_Driver.zip" attr="" comment="N.B: please include camera calibration files into /.ros/camera_info" date="1553788424" name="BB2_Driver.zip" path="BB2_Driver.zip" size="196108" user="LabTech" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="BB2_Driver.zip" attr="" comment="N.B: please include camera calibration files into /.ros/camera_info" date="1554399291" name="BB2_Driver.zip" path="BB2_Driver.zip" size="196144" user="LabTech" version="4"

Revision 42019-03-28 - LabTech

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BumbleBee2 ROS Driver

Line: 20 to 20
    • export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<server/laptop_ip_address>:11311
    • export ROS_IP=<robot_ip_address>
    • roslaunch stereo_camera.launch
      • N.B: if there is an error with the guid, change both <guid>.ymal file name and the parameter in the <guid>.yaml file AND restart roscore
  1. After setup is complete, on the server (or laptop), run rosrun rviz rviz
    • in RViz, click Add
    • select Image
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  -- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="BB2_Driver.zip" attr="" comment="N.B: please include camera calibration files into /.ros/camera_info" date="1553782446" name="BB2_Driver.zip" path="BB2_Driver.zip" size="194987" user="LabTech" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="BB2_Driver.zip" attr="" comment="N.B: please include camera calibration files into /.ros/camera_info" date="1553788424" name="BB2_Driver.zip" path="BB2_Driver.zip" size="196108" user="LabTech" version="3"

Revision 32019-03-28 - LabTech

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BumbleBee2 ROS Driver

Line: 33 to 33
  -- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="BB2_Driver.zip" attr="" comment="BB2 Driver zip file" date="1552314020" name="BB2_Driver.zip" path="BB2 Driver.zip" size="192717" user="LabTech" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="BB2_Driver.zip" attr="" comment="N.B: please include camera calibration files into /.ros/camera_info" date="1553782446" name="BB2_Driver.zip" path="BB2_Driver.zip" size="194987" user="LabTech" version="2"

Revision 22019-03-11 - LabTech

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How to Run BB2 Driver using camera1394stereo

  1. In one tty, run RosAria.
  2. In another tty (ctrl + alt + F2,3,4,...), run the camera1394stereo node.

BumbleBee2 ROS Driver

The BB2 Driver uses package camera1394stereo, which System, Robotics, & Vision from the University of the Balearic Islands provided. We modified the sources files within the driver, which previously had issues with the queuing and dequeuing of the buffer ring probably due to the slow processor in the Pioneer 3AT robots we used. We modified it to single shot mode rather than continuous transmission. Using ROS, the program can load image data onto a server from the right and left stereo camera.

Systems, Robotics, & Vision's Website: http://srv.uib.es/

SRV's Github: https://github.com/srv

Original camera1394stereo code: https://github.com/srv/camera1394stereo

How to Run BB2 ROS Driver

  1. Server
    • open terminal, run roscore
  2. Robot
    • cd catkin_ws
    • . devel/setup.bash
    • cd src/camera1394stereo/launch
    • export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<server/laptop_ip_address>:11311
    • export ROS_IP=<robot_ip_address>
    • roslaunch stereo_camera.launch
  1. After setup is complete, on the server (or laptop), run rosrun rviz rviz
    • in RViz, click Add
    • select Image
    • within the Image parameter, change the Image Topic to either /stereo_camera/left/image_raw or /stereo_camera/right/image_raw
    • a window should pop up with the received image being displayed from the stereo camera


  • Persons/group who can view/change the page:

-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="BB2_Driver.zip" attr="" comment="BB2 Driver zip file" date="1552314020" name="BB2_Driver.zip" path="BB2 Driver.zip" size="192717" user="LabTech" version="1"

Revision 12019-02-28 - LabTech

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How to Run BB2 Driver using camera1394stereo

  1. In one tty, run RosAria.
  2. In another tty (ctrl + alt + F2,3,4,...), run the camera1394stereo node.
    • cd catkin_ws
    • . devel/setup.bash
    • cd src/camera1394stereo/launch
    • export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<server/laptop_ip_address>:11311
    • export ROS_IP=<robot_ip_address>
    • roslaunch stereo_camera.launch


  • Persons/group who can view/change the page:

-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

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