Difference: Rcv2pcd ( vs. 1)

Revision 12015-11-10 - TWikiGuest

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META TOPICPARENT name="FRCVDataRepository"
(sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL_function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting. Requires PCL 1.1+ rcv2pcdPCL_function.tar.bz2

(sdf 7/14) New version of rcv2pcd which converts directly to point cloud rather than manually writing ascii file; solves the PointXYZRGBA issue that crashes the pcd_viewer rcv2pcdPCL.tar.bz2

rcv2pcd conversion program for converting from RCV point clouds to PCL pcd files. No changes are made to the coordinate frame. Color data is packed as RGBA integers. Due to a bug in the PCL, the header must read "rgb" in order to view properly with the pcd_viewer. However, for templated processing, change the header to "rgba" and use the pcl::PointXYZRGBA templated point type

Here is a shell script that uses sed for doing the change painlessly: rgba2rgb



-- StephenFox - 2011-06-14

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rcv2pcd.c" attr="" comment="rcv2pcd.c, 6-14-11" date="1308092072" name="rcv2pcd.c" path="rcv2pcd.c" size="1392" stream="rcv2pcd.c" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32604" user="StephenFox" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rcv2pcdPCL_function.tar.bz2" attr="" comment="" date="1310744578" name="rcv2pcdPCL_function.tar.bz2" path="rcv2pcdPCL_function.tar.bz2" size="948452" stream="rcv2pcdPCL_function.tar.bz2" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp9054" user="StephenFox" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rcv2pcdPCL.tar.bz2" attr="" comment="" date="1310744743" name="rcv2pcdPCL.tar.bz2" path="rcv2pcdPCL.tar.bz2" size="1587" stream="rcv2pcdPCL.tar.bz2" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp5535" user="StephenFox" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rgba2rgb" attr="" comment="shell script to change rgba top rgb in pcd files" date="1312488694" name="rgba2rgb" path="rgba2rgb" size="24" stream="rgba2rgb" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp56351" user="DamianLyons" version="1"
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