AlgorithmicControlLab topic: | |
2013-04-14, | |
2013-04-14, | |
2013-04-14, | |
BB2Driver topic: | | N.B: please include camera calibration files into /.ros/camera_info |
2019-04-04, |
CaptureFilterAdd topic: | |
resultoriginal_100_350.jpg Makefile (works on ubuntu 11.10 and later versions.. for previous versions, replace LDLIBS with LDFLAGS). |
2011-08-23, |
2012-05-05, | |
2012-05-05, | |
DamianLyons topic: | |
2015-06-23, | |
2015-06-23, | |
FRCVADAPTDemos topic: | |
2012-05-18, | |
2012-05-18, | |
2012-05-18, | |
2012-05-18, | |
2012-05-18, | |
2012-05-18, | |
FRCVBatteryBoosterPack topic: | |
Battery_Attachments.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
Negative_Terminal_on_Battery_Strip_in_Robot.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
PowerPole_Connection_Between_Battery_wires_and_Rv_Connector.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
PowerPole_Connectors.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
Positive_and_Negative_Terminals_on_Battery_Strip_In_Robot.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
Postive_Terminal_on_Battery_Strip_in_Robot.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
Battery_Mount.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
Entire_Setup.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
RV_Connector_Used.jpg Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos |
2017-05-25, |
Mounted_Side_View.jpg Testing of Booster Pack |
2017-05-25, |
Mounted_Top_View.jpg Battery used |
2017-05-25, |
Mounted_Back_View.jpg Battery used |
2017-05-25, |
Testing_of_Booster_Pack.m4v mount + batteries |
2017-05-25, |
IMG_8968.JPG wiring |
2017-07-07, |
2017-07-07, | |
2017-07-07, | |
2017-07-07, | |
2017-07-07, | |
FRCVBatteryPRpage topic: | |
2017-06-02, | |
2017-06-08, | |
2017-06-08, | |
2017-06-08, | |
FRCVCodeStereoServer topic: | |
clientDemo.cpp Version 3.0 of clientDemo |
2011-08-04, |
Makefile support for Bumblebee stereo, supoprts v2.2 of stereoServer |
2011-06-14, |
stereoCamera.cpp include for stereoCamera.cpp, supports v2.2 of stereoserver |
2011-08-04, |
stereoCamera.h V2.2 with support for saliency architecture, GPS and TCM |
2011-08-04, |
stereoServer.cpp Read the GPS directly |
2011-08-04, |
serialGPS.cpp Implements the salience architecture |
2011-08-04, |
checkSalience.cpp Managing lists of landmarks for saliency processing |
2011-08-04, |
2011-08-04, | |
FRCVConcatenatePointClouds topic: | |
register.tar.bz2 screen shots of tilt hallway data june22 |
2011-06-15, |
2011-06-15, | |
2011-06-15, | |
2011-06-15, | |
2011-06-22, | |
FRCVDataRepositoryHSVD topic: | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
FRCVDataRepositoryHSVD2 topic: | |
FrameDepth.png Image Figures for HSVD Conference Paper |
2017-04-25, |
DEPTH.png Image Figures for HSVD Conference Paper |
2017-04-25, |
NewCascade.PNG Image Figures for HSVD Conference Paper |
2017-04-25, |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
2017-05-31, | |
FRCVDataset10839334 topic: | |
2011-06-14, | |
2011-06-14, | |
2011-06-14, | |
2011-06-14, | |
2011-06-14, | |
2011-06-14, | |
FRCVLabMLSA topic: | |
multilingual_system.png multilingual system |
2016-07-27, |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVLabMLSABackground topic: | |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVLabMLSAFiles topic: | |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVLabMLSAFilters topic: | |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVLabMLSA_description topic: | |
C_AST.jpeg python AST |
2016-07-27, |
pythonJSON.png javascript AST |
2017-04-07, |
2017-04-07, | |
2017-04-11, | |
2017-07-11, | |
2017-07-12, | |
2019-05-29, | |
2019-05-29, | |
FRCVLabMLSA_execution topic: | |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVLabMLSA_future topic: | |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVLabMLSA_installation topic: | |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVLabMLSA_issues topic: | |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVLabMLSA_requirements topic: | |
2017-07-12, | |
FRCVNews01252019 topic: | |
2019-01-29, | |
2019-01-29, | |
2019-01-29, | |
2019-01-29, | |
FRCVPublicProject topic: | |
explore.jpg A sample TOAD analysis frame |
2014-03-18, |
3D_graph.jpg Sample Output of TOAD Program |
2014-03-18, |
labimage.jpg Call graph showing Python calling C++ with different variant examples. |
2014-03-18, |
dataview.jpg Call graph showing Python calling C++ with different variant examples. |
2014-03-18, |
Screen_Shot_2019-01-17_at_4.03.44_PM.png AgrRobtWhiteppr |
2019-01-17, |
TOAD1.png mc2 |
2019-01-17, |
MLSA_logo.png mc3 |
2019-05-29, |
2019-05-29, | |
1.pdf mc5 |
2019-05-29, |
2019-05-29, | |
2019-05-29, | |
2022-12-31, | |
2022-12-31, | |
2022-12-31, | |
2024-08-09, | |
2024-08-13, | |
2024-08-13, | |
2024-08-13, | |
2024-08-13, | |
FRCVR118Mods topic: | |
2011-07-11, | |
2011-07-11, | |
2011-07-11, | |
2011-07-11, | |
FRCVRotopodDemos topic: | |
2011-09-09, | |
2011-09-09, | |
2011-09-09, | |
2011-09-09, | |
2011-09-09, | |
2011-09-09, | |
2011-09-09, | |
FRCVTOADPRpage topic: | |
2017-06-02, | |
FRCVTSGDemos topic: | |
2012-05-18, | |
2012-05-18, | |
2012-05-18, | |
FRCVserialGPS topic: | |
serialGPS.cpp Implements the salience architecture |
2011-07-11, |
2011-07-11, | |
2011-07-11, | |
FastModelConstruction topic: | |
2013-05-31, | |
2013-05-31, | |
FordhamRoboticsAndComputerVisionLaboratory topic: | |
2010-11-16, | |
2010-11-16, | |
2010-11-16, | |
2012-07-24, | |
2012-07-24, | |
GoogleCSR topic: | | Simple ROS Node |
2021-03-10, | |
2021-03-17, | Goto node |
2021-03-25, |
plotting_maps.txt Instructions for platting maps |
2021-03-31, |
GyroTCM2test topic: | |
2011-07-11, | |
2011-07-11, | |
Materials topic: | |
FormalModelofComputation_001.pdf FormalModelofComputation |
2012-09-16, |
IEEETransactionsonRoboticsAutomation_001.pdf IEEETransactionsonRobotics&Automation 001.pdf |
2012-09-16, |
Encyclopedia_of_AI_2nd_Edtion_001.pdf Encyclopedia of AI, 2nd Edtion 001.pdf |
2012-09-16, |
Robotics_Autononmous_Systmes_001.pdf Robotics &Autononmous Systmes 001.pdf |
2012-09-16, |
Artificial_Intelligence_PDF_Portfolio.pdf Artificial Intelligence PDF Portfolio.pdf |
2012-09-16, |
Lyons_2012_CV.pdf Updated (10/21) resume |
2012-10-21, |
2012-09-16, | |
2012-09-16, | |
2012-09-16, | |
2012-09-16, | |
2012-09-16, | |
2012-09-16, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-16, | |
2012-09-16, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-21, | |
2012-09-25, | |
2012-09-25, | |
2012-09-25, | |
MultiRobotExploration topic: | | Graphs and description of tests from March. |
2014-07-09, | Graphs and description of tests from May. |
2014-07-09, |
Rcv2pcd topic: | |
rcv2pcd.c rcv2pcd.c, 6-14-11 |
2011-06-14, |
rcv2pcdPCL_function.tar.bz2 shell script to change rgba top rgb in pcd files |
2011-07-15, |
2011-07-15, | |
2011-08-04, | |
RobotTestSuite topic: | |
2012-02-01, | |
2012-02-09, | |
RotopodPhotographsAndVideoRecordings topic: | |
P1020830.JPG Rotopod On Floor Short Leg Positions |
2012-01-04, |
P1020832.JPG Body Detail 1 |
2012-01-04, |
P1020821.JPG WorkspaceCompPwrSwitch |
2012-01-04, |
P1020823.JPG WideAngleWorkspace |
2012-01-04, |
Rtabmap topic: | |
disparity_to_dep.launch disparity to depth launch file |
2019-03-12, |
Screenshot_from_2019-04-04_133312.png Configuration for rqt_reconfigure |
2019-04-04, |
Disparity.cfg rqt disparity configuration |
2019-04-08, |
Screenshot_from_2019-04-08_112756.png .zip for image reduction |
2019-04-08, |
Screenshot_from_2019-04-08_112631.png decimate launch file |
2019-04-08, |
2019-04-08, | |
2019-04-29, | |
2019-05-02, | |
TWikiGuest topic: | |
2012-04-03, | |
UserProfileHeader topic: | |
2011-06-05, | |
2011-06-05, | |
2011-06-06, |