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xxx DamianLyons 2011 06 17
TWikiGroups #187; CISDeptGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz...
SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most...
COMPLETED 1. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2012, April 23 27 Baltimore MD; Abstract due Oct 10th 2011. Abstract Submitted. Accepted. Paper Submitted. Minor formatting...
DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH...
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Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by...
The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots This project started as a way to support the need for more power longevity during testing with the Pioneer 3AT robots...
Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported...
register.cpp Notes and Instructions Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that PCL pcd files are in the working directory. No additional...
Effect of Field of View in Stereovision based Visual Homing D.M. Lyons, L. Del Signore, B. Barriage Abstract Navigation is challenging for an autonomous robot operating...
The Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereovision based Visual Homing: Data repository D.M. Lyons, B. Barriage, L. Del Signore, Abstract of the paper Visual...
Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH...
Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory Demos and Software Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. Robot `imagination` Pictures...
Major Equipment: The Robotics Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment: RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Fordham Robotics Computer VisionLaboratory TWIKI icon:tip Welcome Guest look here first icon:persons TWiki Groups...
FRCVLabGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP TWikiAdminUser, DamianLyons, LabTech, MaggieGates...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / MultiLingual Static Software Analyis Our objective is to provide open source tools that help analyze the way multilingual...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Architecture Lightweight program (which we call filters ) operate on program source files and/or data files and produce data...
Welcome to the Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory Goto the Main Lab Home Page Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
In the News Outstanding paper award to Nasim Paykari, 21st Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics, June 2024. Machine Intelligence Day, Pace University December...
A group of 16 high achieving MS/HS students from the Bronx Laboratory School of Finance and Technology visited the Fordham Robotics lab January 25th 2019. They received...
Faculty Collaborators Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham Dr. Paul Benjamin...
Overview of Recent and Current Research Projects in the FRCV Lab Robotics for small and family farms By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion...
Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Publications All recent publications now hosted at Fordham University Digital Commons and can be downloaded from there...
GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted...
Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Working in conjunction with the Bronx Zoo, we are creating a more efficient way to monitor the Kihansi spray toads with the...
Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram...
FRCV LAB CHECKLIST Test server and laptop connection to router and internet Check IP Map and make sure all IPs are correct and accounted for. ping...
This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I...
Welcome to the Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory TWiki. Select a section of the TWiki below (several are visible only to FRCV members and partners,...
GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001 Autonomous Robot Exploration Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham) Description Autonomous vehicles and robots...
The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program...
Linux ROS Machine The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows: Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS ROS Noetic Desktop...
This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning...
My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on...
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Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications...
1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed...
Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical...
Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds...
Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q...
P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision
There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham...
Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments...
Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if...
Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive...
Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the...
Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)...
(sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting...
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Local customizations of site wide preferences Site level preferences are located in 1 , however this 2 prefs topic has override priority and should be used for...
FirstName LastName Email WikiName Kyle Ryan kryan84 #64;fordham.edu KyleRyan
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Fordham University Robotics Computer Vision Laboratory TWIKI...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Number of topics: 60

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