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meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance August 2014 dml This version modified from multirobot w OBSTACLE...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance 1/17 peng, using cnl V2.0 August 2014 dml This version modified...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence (can be specified here or via...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot goes a straight line peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition here has highest precedence...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / singlerobot, one move with OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE uses CNL V2.0 peng 1/14/2014 TSS Result variables and parameters Definition...
Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 I found this website that gives a detailed walk through of a complete (including ffmpeg) installation of OpenCV 2.3.1. I`ve tried it on Bot...
Multi Robot Exploration Using Potential Field A continuation of James` Multi robot Fast Map Construction. Our goal is , building on James` project, to improve the...
Since we run Debian and Ubuntu based platforms, we must use the Fedora VM image. I followed these steps for installation. 1. Download MissionLab FC4 VMWare image from...
Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials Resume pdf. List of Publications pdf. Selected Publications (22 papers) This document contains a list of my selected publications...
This paper focuses on the program model checking and the effects of D4V (Design for Verification) on the model checkers efficiency. The paper analyses NASAs Java...
LAB #1 Before beginning the lab, we noticed the motors were once again loose. It was decided that we to provide additional supports between the frames in order to...
This is the first of the Kress Gazit papers, while she was still at UPenn. It introduces the key steps in her approach to a temporal logic method for motion planning...
Introduction to JAUS Installation Download the latest source and build it, including ojNodeManager and ojVehicleSim. Install to /usr/local/jaus, or some place that...
Instructions for maintaining the help documentation This page is for users who are responsible for updating the help documentation. I recommend reading the TWikiTutorial...
igvc2010 Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP StephenFox Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE igvc...
The GyroTCM2 software inital version was incorrect as it failed to call the tcm2 continuousCommandPackets() routine to start TCM transmission. The TCMtest program...
Serial Installation of the GPS Units (Stereo Camera Models only See USB installation instructions below for Laser models) 1 Connect the GPS 1 Boot into the...
This is based on the serial.c program that reads the GPS serial port as text and extracts the North and West data. The program serial.c was very ineffective and I...
Background A representation that combines depth and image information is Birchfield and Rangarajan (2007)`s spatial histogram or spatiogram. The image spatiogram...
Rotational Legged Locomotion The Rotopod is a novel robot mechanism which combines the features of wheeled and legged locomotion in an unusual way. This robot...
GPS Wifi Mods to R118 Robot 118 is a P3 AT equipped with Gyro, TCM2, DPPU PT unit, and Bumblebee stereohead. Robot 118 was modified to carry a GPS on a tripod mounted...
GPS # SERIAL # LOCATION GPS 1 418949 GPS 2 418953 GPS 3 419328 GPS 4 418855 GPS 5 418954 GPS 6 418866...
Overview This dataset was collected by dml on 6 14 11 using the stereoServer and modified clientDemo software. Robot 116 was run around the U shaped 3rd floor of JMH...
Stereo Server and Client The stereoServer code is based on the Aria serverDemo/clientDemo code. Changes the the basic Aria code include 1. use of joystick is supported...
Background We considere a scenario where an autonomous platform that is searching an area for a target may observe unstable masonry or may need to travel over, by...
Multi robot Fast Model Construction Using Potential Field Objective Using a team of robots to get a map of indoor area within Minimum time Most coverage...
Adding a new n ary operator, ie a function, to matheval Example, lets add the 2 ary function tss blah(a,b). Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add tss blah to the of the...
Week 1: Began software update for the robot, desktop and laptop Issued laptop 10 for testing, however, not all of the executables are currently working...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / JANUARY 2014 1/9 DTRA PI 1pm 1/23 DTRA Group 1pm FEBRUARY 2/3 DTRA PI 12 noon 2/12 DTRA Group 11am 2/26 DTRA PI 10am MARCH...
DECEMBER 12/04 10:00am Group Teleconf 12/19 10:00a, PI teleconf JANUARY 2013 1/3 10:00am Group Teleconf 1/18 3pm DTRA PI Teleconf 1/31 1pm DTRA Group Teleconf...
My links: My home page My activities Registration become a nop TWiki user list of users of this nop TWiki site TWikiGroups list...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Schedule: By 31st of May: Fully read up on/ get familiar with sparse arrays, standard template library. Produce a write up...
Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each...
Yi downloaded the robotC program, and while this happened Phil and David began work on the doSquare and doCircle functions (respectively) Yi then configured each...
SYSGEN Computational complexity analysis. Let there be n TR processes in the system and let PS {P0...Pn 1} be the set of processes. Let each process have at most...
Using CTMC to describe the time steps of robot move Pick an expected value of initial time frame Reduce time for each step with decrease distance from Goal...
Introduction to the Computing Facilities of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University Overview Computing facilities Logging...
TWikiGroups #187; CISDeptGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP DamianLyons, RobertMoniot, ArtWerschulz...
Notes on filter threshold Must have OpenCV 2.0 or a newer version installed. Result image is stored in a folder (locateed in same folder as the source) called...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision
Server Documentation:Switches have been stacked, but management interface still considers them as two separate switches with the same IP NOTE : 9/5/2010 Turning on...
xxx DamianLyons 2011 06 17
The front left bumper was plugged into digital 1. The front right bumper was plugged into digital 2. Front left light sensor was plugged into analog 1. Front right...
These are some useful packages for the laptops: Development: subversion mercurial (hg) git texlive full cmake build essential opencv...
My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on...

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