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Top Menu of Main Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Main web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Users Groups...
/Main The web for users, groups and offices. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.
Main Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Main web. These preferences override the site level preferences in . and...
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TWiki`s Main web The web for users, groups and offices. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.
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The UnknownUser User UnknownUser is a reserved name in TWiki. If the UnknownUser appears, it is probably because author information for a topic could not be recovered...
The TWikiRegistrationAgent User This is a TWiki user used by TWiki when it registers new users. This user has special access to write to , and does not have...
The TWikiGuest User A guest of this TWiki site, or a user who is not logged in. Register create an account to participate in this TWiki site Starting points...
TWiki Groups Use these groups to define fine grained access control in TWiki: New Group: ^ A group topic name must be a WikiWord and must end in...
Use this group for access control of webs and topics. Member list: Set GROUP Purpose of this group: Set DESCRIPTION Persons...
TWiki Contributor Not an actual user of this site, but a person devoting some of his/her time to contribute to the Open Source TWiki project. TWikiContributor lists...
Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous...
Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; moz box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; webkit box shadow: 2px 2px 3px #e8e8e8; box...
All Users Group This is a special group literally all users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction at the topic level. This is close...
All Authenticated Users Group This is a special group all authenticated users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction at the topic level...
Using VirtualBox Fullscreen or Seamless Mode When using VirtualBox to run a virtual Windows session, you will probably prefer to use either Fullscreen Mode or Seamless...
User List showing all photographs If TWiki:Plugins.ImageGalleryPlugin is installed this page will show photos and names of all registered users.
Header of User Homepages Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top of...
My links: My home page edit
Measurement requirements: meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Measurement requirements: Measurement Set 1: 1. Measure the dimensions of the Tumbler...
Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power...
A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing...
#pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous...
(sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting...
This paper highlights the basics of implementing Optimal Paths for Autonomous Mobile Robots. The authors use an Agent based approach towards finding an optimal...
StephenFox 2010 09 02
Bookmarks of PengTang Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label http://twiki.org/ TWiki.org Return to: PengTang
Exercise: Write a process WR that reads a value on its input port and that writes that same value to its output port forever. WR(ip)(op) IN ; OUT ; WR . (c)...
Exercise: Use tail recursion and PASS to build a process that raises its first argument to the power of the second, assuming that the first is a real number and the...
Exercise: Write a recursive process that (a) never terminates and (b) terminates after 1 iteration of its body. T EQ ; T . Since n n always, this will recursive...
Exercise: Write a PARS process that has two process variables, and will do P if the first variable is the larger and Q if the second is the larger, but nothing if...
Exercise: Write a process definition for a process Z with four arguments, which consists of a sequential composition of an instance of P given the first two arguments...
There are many ways to pick variable and process names, and specify values for them. Here is a correct example. TYPE REAL x TYPE REAL y TYPE REAL z Q. Q Q (c) Fordham...
P (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision
Process A process is the basic unit of computation in PARS; everything is about processes. A process is written by convention with a capital letter, e.g., P or Q...
Multiple Systems In a situation where the SYS process is defined for a mission that has has sensor processes that may trigger different behaviors, verification proceeds...
1. PASS results are not echoed to a raw flow function. For example T PASS ; T will produce a flow function f(a) b, but no flow function for b. 2. A system composed...
Obstacles An obstacle is represented by a MOG. Each member is a possible location for the obstacle. First Approach to representing obstacle If there is a cylindrical...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / Main difference between old and new CNL, mission files. New CNL changed two main features compared to old CNL, namely, move...

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