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Damian M. Lyons; Promotion Materials

Resume pdf.

List of Publications pdf.

Selected Publications (22 papers)

This document contains a list of my selected publications. The publications are grouped by research topic to show the continuity and progress in my work. A sentence or two is added by way of introduction for each topic. A link is provided to the PDF source for each publication listed.

A. Analysis of Robot Behavior (10 papers)

This is my longest and most active research topic, dating back to my original PhD Thesis. The core of the work is a unique focus on process algebra as a technique for analyzing robot programs and plans.

A.1. Lyons, D., Arkin, R., Nirmal, P., and Jiang, S., "Designing Autonomous Robot Missions with Performance Guarantees,'' Accepted for publication in:Proc. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012), Algarve, PT, October 2012. pdf.

A.2. Ronald C. Arkin and Damian Lyons, “Getting it Right the First Time: Predicted Performance Guarantees from the Analysis of Emergent Behavior in Autonomous and Semi-autonomous Systems,” Unmanned Systems Technology XIV at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Baltimore MD, April 2012. pdf.

A.3. Lyons, D.M., Arkin, R.A., "Towards Performance Guarantees for Emergent Behavior," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans LA, April 2004.pdf.

A.4. Lyons, D.M., Cluster Computing for Robotics and Computer Vision. World Scientific, 2011.pdf.

A.5. Lyons, D.M., "Discrete-Event Modeling of Misrecognition in PTZ Tracking," IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video & Signal-Based Surveillance , July 21-22, 2003, Miami Beach FL.pdf.

A.6. Lyons, D.M. and Hendriks, A., "Planning as Incremental Adaptation of a Reactive System," Journal of Robotics & Autonomous Systems 14, 1995, pp.255-288. pdf.

A.7. Lyons, D.M. and Hendriks, A., "Exploiting Patterns of Interaction to Achieve Reactive Behavior," Special Issue on Computational Theories of Interaction, Artificial Intelligence 73, 1995, pp.117-148. pdf.

A.8. Lyons, D.M., "Representing and Analyzing Action Plans as Networks of Concurrent Processes," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation June 1993. pdf.

A.9. Lyons, D.M. and Hendriks, A., "Reactive Planning," Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Edition, Wiley & Sons, December, 1991pdf.

A.10. Lyons, D.M. and Arbib, M.A., "A Formal Model of Computation for Sensory-based Robotics," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 5(3), Jun. 1989. pdf.

B. Landmark Recognition: Terrain Spatiograms (3 papers)

Thanks to a grant from the Dept. of Energy, I was able to purchase a team of 15 Pioneer 3-AT robots and an 88-node computational cluster. I am developing a unique approach to the representation of range an image data for landmarks using this unique resource.

B.1. Lyons, D., “Selection and Recognition of Landmarks Using Terrain Spatiograms,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS), Tapei, Taiwan, October 2010. pdf.

B.2. Lyons, D., “Detection and Filtering of Landmark Occlusions using Terrain Spatiograms,” IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2010. pdf.

B.3. Lyons, D.M., “Sharing Landmark Information Using MOG Terrain Spatiograms,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS), St Louis, MO, October 2009. pdf.

C. Visual Tracking using Combinatorial Fusion (4 papers)

Combinatorial Fusion is a novel information fusion method developed by Frank Hsu, and he and I have conducted research on the application of this method to visual tracking of multiple targets with occlusions.

C.1. Lyons, D.M., and Hsu, D.F., "Method of Combining Multiple Scoring Systems for Target Tracking using Rank-Score Characteristics," Information Fusion 10(2) 2009 pdf.

C.2. Lyons, D.M. and Hsu, D.F., "Comparing CFA and Discrimination for Selecting Tracking Features," Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, 18-20 March 2008, Orlando (Kissimmee), FL.pdf.

C.3 Lyons, D.M., Hsu, D.F., Ma, Q., and Wang, L., "Combinatorial Fusion Criteria for Robot Mapping," 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2007), May 21-23 2007, Niagara Falls Canada.pdf.

C.4. Hsu, D.F. and Lyons, D.M., "A Dynamic Pruning and Feature Selection Strategy for Real-Time Tracking," International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2005), March 2005, Taipei Taiwan. pdf.

D. Cognitive Robotics: Fusion of Real and Synthetic Imagery (3 papers)

Paul Benjamin (Pace University) and Deryl Lonsdale (Brigham Young Univ) and I have developed an approach to cognitive robotics where a 3D physics engine is used as a low level resource for predicting complex behavior by fusion of the real and synthetic visual imagery.

D.1. D.M. Lyons, P. Nirmal, “Navigation of uncertain terrain by fusion of information from real and synthetic imagery.” Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Baltimore MD, April 2012. pdf.

D.2. Stephen D. Fox, Damian M. Lyons, “An approach to stereo-point cloud registration using image homographies.” SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXVII: Algorithms and Techniques, San Francisco, CA, January 2012. pdf.

D.3. Lyons, D.M., Benjamin, P., "Locating and Tracking Objects by Efficient Comparison of Real and Predicted Synthetic Video Imagery," SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXVI: Algorithms and Techniques, San Jose, CA, January 2009. pdf.

E. Tripedal Locomotion (2 papers)

My graduate student Kiran Pamnany and I developed a unique tripedal robot, funded by the Army office of research.

E.1. Lyons, D., "A Novel Approach to Efficient Legged Locomotion," 10th Int. Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots. 16-18 July 2007, Singapore. pdf.

E.2. Lyons, D., and Pamnany, K., "Analysis of gaits for a rotating tripedal robot," SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXIV, 23-26 Oct. 2005, Boston, MA. pdf.

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PDFpdf Artificial_Intelligence_PDF_Portfolio.pdf r1 manage 7699.1 K 2012-09-16 - 23:30 DamianLyons Artificial Intelligence PDF Portfolio.pdf
PDFpdf Encyclopedia_of_AI_2nd_Edtion_001.pdf r1 manage 4465.3 K 2012-09-16 - 23:28 DamianLyons Encyclopedia of AI, 2nd Edtion 001.pdf
PDFpdf FormalModelofComputation_001.pdf r1 manage 4690.6 K 2012-09-16 - 23:26 DamianLyons FormalModelofComputation
PDFpdf IEEETransactionsonRoboticsAutomation_001.pdf r1 manage 5765.5 K 2012-09-16 - 23:27 DamianLyons IEEETransactionsonRobotics&Automation 001.pdf
PDFpdf AINA06.pdf r1 manage 309.9 K 2012-09-21 - 21:40 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf ArkinEtAlSPIE2012.pdf r1 manage 1077.3 K 2012-09-17 - 01:53 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf IROS_2009_Lyons_Final.pdf r2 r1 manage 410.1 K 2012-09-21 - 20:28 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Info_Fusion07_final.pdf r2 r1 manage 610.5 K 2012-09-21 - 21:32 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons-combinatorial.pdf r1 manage 333.4 K 2012-09-21 - 21:39 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons07_A4.pdf r1 manage 576.0 K 2012-09-21 - 21:51 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons_DSS_08.pdf r1 manage 615.3 K 2012-09-21 - 21:32 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons_IROS_2010.pdf r1 manage 567.1 K 2012-09-17 - 01:56 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons_SPIE_2009.pdf r1 manage 1459.3 K 2012-09-21 - 22:00 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons_SPIE_IRCV_2010.pdf r1 manage 5163.4 K 2012-09-17 - 02:01 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons_icra_2010_final.pdf r1 manage 286.6 K 2012-09-17 - 01:56 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons_publications_and_patents_2012v1.pdf r1 manage 168.7 K 2012-09-17 - 01:50 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf SPIE-DTRAv11pictureV2.pdf r1 manage 1147.0 K 2012-09-25 - 15:22 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf SPIE05.pdf r1 manage 685.8 K 2012-09-21 - 21:51 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf SPIE_Computer_Vision.pdf r1 manage 1241.5 K 2012-09-21 - 21:56 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf SPIE_DSS_2009_Lyons.pdf r1 manage 930.4 K 2012-09-17 - 01:59 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf SPIE_DSS_2009_Lyons_new.pdf r1 manage 1214.2 K 2012-09-21 - 21:54 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf SPIE_DSS_UST_2012.pdf r1 manage 3756.4 K 2012-09-25 - 15:06 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf SPIE_UST_2012_Arkin_Lyons.pdf r1 manage 130.7 K 2012-09-21 - 22:13 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf avsbs2003.pdf r1 manage 971.6 K 2012-09-21 - 21:41 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf beo_book.pdf r1 manage 330.5 K 2012-09-21 - 21:15 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf icra_2004_LyonsArkin.pdf r1 manage 295.6 K 2012-09-21 - 22:08 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf icra_2004_dml_rca_v5.pdf r1 manage 229.5 K 2012-09-17 - 01:53 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf lyons_d_dynamicpruning.pdf r1 manage 270.2 K 2012-09-25 - 15:40 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf lyonsetal2012.pdf r2 r1 manage 1882.0 K 2012-09-21 - 22:08 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf verif_iros12_finalv3.pdf r2 r1 manage 586.7 K 2012-09-21 - 22:13 DamianLyons  
PDFpdf Lyons_publications_and_patents_2012.pdf r1 manage 168.7 K 2012-09-17 - 01:47 DamianLyons pubs
PDFpdf Robotics_Autononmous_Systmes_001.pdf r1 manage 9202.4 K 2012-09-16 - 23:29 DamianLyons Robotics &Autononmous Systmes 001.pdf
PDFpdf Lyons_2012_CV.pdf r2 r1 manage 120.0 K 2012-10-22 - 01:24 DamianLyons Updated (10/21) resume
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