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Repository Information

1. GRID files below contain visual image HSVD tests, while dump files contain stereo depth data.

2. Histogram smoothing was performed on the visual images of GRID14, an outdoor grid, in order to compensate for lighting conditions.

3. A statistical filtering program, via a point cloud file, was executed on stereo-depth in order to clean up stereo noise data. The parameters of the point cloud statistical filter were a meanK of 50 and a standard deviation threshold of 0.2.


* GRID11_cleanDump.tar.gz: Clean Data Dump folder for HSVD project. 11/7/16
* GRID14_cleanDump.tar.gz: Clean Data Dump folder for HSVD project. 11/7/16
* GRID14_hist.tar.gz: Grid folder for HSVD project post smoothing. 12/5/16
* GRID11_grids.tar.gz: Grid folder for HSVD project. 2/23/17

This data is provided for general use without any warranty or support. Please send any email questions to dlyons@fordham.edu, bbarriage@fordham.edu, and ldelsignore@fordham.edu


* Persons/group who can change the page:

-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

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Topic revision: r1 - 2017-02-23 - BenBarriage
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