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Results from Main web retrieved at 01:26 (GMT)

(sdf 7/15) rcv2pcdPCL function.tar.bz2 New version with features below wrapped into a function. Includes the CMakeLists.txt file and a test rcv cloud for converting...
#pragma config(Motor, port2, LeftForward, tmotorServoContinuousRotation, openLoop, reversed) #pragma config(Motor, port3, RightForward, tmotorServoContinuous...
A useful set of software compiled by Dr. Lyons to fully test the functionality of each robot based on the hardware it has. The following programs are in the testing...
Here is the Rotopod Control Center: a Windows XP equipped Dell computer with an Intel Processor, and two DC power supplies, running at 12 volts each. The bottom power...
meta name `robots` content `noindex` / How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX Set up: 1 Required packages: sudo apt get install ros indigo...
Number of topics: 5

Topic revision: r34 - 2018-09-27 - DamianLyons
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