Difference: FRCVDemonsAndSoftware (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22016-08-03 - DamianLyons

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META TOPICPARENT name="FordhamRoboticsAndComputerVisionLaboratory"

Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory - Demos and Software

Line: 13 to 12
  Visual Homing using stereo-vision demo. Includes source code and instructions on how to run the demo.
Old FRCV Lab Software and Demos page.

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    Revision 12016-08-03 - DamianLyons

    Line: 1 to 1
    META TOPICPARENT name="FordhamRoboticsAndComputerVisionLaboratory"

    Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory - Demos and Software

    Rotational Legged Locomotion Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot.

    Robot "imagination" Pictures, Videos for using a 3D simulation to 'imagine' what might happen

    Terrain Spatiograms for Landmarks Pictures and code for generating unique 3D spatiogram views of landmarks from point cloud data.

    Instructions for Demo Step by step process of how to properly turn on robot, log into robot, and run demo files.

    Visual Homing using stereo-vision demo. Includes source code and instructions on how to run the demo.

    Page protections

  • Persons/group who can view/change the page:
  • -- DamianLyons - 2010-11-16

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