register.cpp Notes and Instructions
Executable takes the log file as a command line argument. Assumes that
pcd files are in the working directory. No additional processing of data (cleanup, downsample, etc...) is done. Loses the color info.
You can modify to preserve color by:
- Change the header in the pcd files from "rgb" to "rgba" (or modify rcv2pcd and reconvert your rcv point cloud files to pcd files with that header).
- Change the "PointXYZ" data type in register.cpp to "PointXYZRGBA"
File can be downloaded here:
Verion 1, 6-14-2011:
Version 2, 6-15-2011:
Download and extract the files to a folder. It contains:
- Within that directory: mkdir build cd build cmake .. make register
- You need to convert the rcv point clouds to pcd. I downloaded all the rcv point clouds into a folder called "pointclouds_rcv". Using the bash script, I just tack on a ".pcd" to the txt filenames for simplicity, and the version of rcv2pcd I posted takes input and output filenames (I think I didn't change anything). Here's the bash script I used:
for i in pointclouds_rcv/* do
./rcv2pcd $i $i.pcd
- Then move the log file and the executable into the folder with the pcd files. I had some issues with the 14th set of scans, so I just deleted them from the log file.
- Finally, it outputs to hallway.pcd. You can view this by: pcd_viewer hallway.pcd.
Image 1 (register.cpp v1): No pre-processing; only odometry estimates--ca. 1.8 million points
Image 2 (register.cpp v2): statistical removal and downsampling of each individual point cloud--ca. 1.4 million points
StephenFox - 2011-06-15