Battery Booster Pack for Mobile Robots P3-AT

This project started as a way to support the need for more power logevity during testing and a way to utilize batteries several sizes to large that were accidently ordered. Please See documentation for specifics.


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-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg Battery_Attachments.jpg r1 manage 4726.2 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
JPEGjpg Battery_Mount.jpg r1 manage 2113.9 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
JPEGjpg Entire_Setup.jpg r1 manage 5293.6 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
JPEGjpg Mounted_Back_View.jpg r1 manage 5256.8 K 2017-05-25 - 21:13 MaggieGates  
JPEGjpg Mounted_Side_View.jpg r1 manage 5167.7 K 2017-05-25 - 21:13 MaggieGates  
JPEGjpg Mounted_Top_View.jpg r1 manage 7149.4 K 2017-05-25 - 21:13 MaggieGates  
JPEGjpg Negative_Terminal_on_Battery_Strip_in_Robot.jpg r1 manage 5124.5 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
JPEGjpg Positive_and_Negative_Terminals_on_Battery_Strip_In_Robot.jpg r1 manage 5183.4 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
JPEGjpg Postive_Terminal_on_Battery_Strip_in_Robot.jpg r1 manage 5451.1 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
JPEGjpg PowerPole_Connection_Between_Battery_wires_and_Rv_Connector.jpg r1 manage 4900.7 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
JPEGjpg PowerPole_Connectors.jpg r1 manage 4285.5 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
JPEGjpg RV_Connector_Used.jpg r1 manage 6798.4 K 2017-05-25 - 21:10 MaggieGates Booster Pack Connections and Mount Photos
Unknown file formatm4v Testing_of_Booster_Pack.m4v r1 manage 29051.0 K 2017-05-25 - 21:16 MaggieGates Testing of Booster Pack
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Topic revision: r3 - 2017-05-25 - MaggieGates
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