Difference: FRCVEquipment (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52018-08-01 - DamianLyons

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META TOPICPARENT name="FordhamRoboticsAndComputerVisionLaboratory"

Major Equipment: The Robotics & Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment:

RESOURCES: Fordham University, Robotics and Computer Vision Lab

Laboratory: The Robotics & Computer Vision Laboratory is in the Department of Computer & Information Science in Fordham University. The Lab includes several computing stations and servers, many robot platforms including ground robots and drones, moving and stationary camera systems and other infrastructure for development, maintenance and repair of the platforms.

Computer: Fordham University has an extensive, multi-campus computing environment. The Department of Computer & Information Science has its own subnet connected to the main network. Department resources also span campuses and include multiple Windows and Linux workstations, six departmental servers, two HPC research clusters and full-time computing support staff.

Major Equipment: The Robotics & Computer Vision Lab at Fordham is a large indoor lab (25’ ×30’) with multiple student working locations and which includes the following major equipment:

  • 5 Pioneer AT-3s with SICK laser, PTZ Video camera, compass, gyro, onboard computer with wifi
  • 6 Pioneer AT-3s with digital stereocameras on Pan-Tilt base, compass, gyro, onboard computer with wifi
  • 3 Pioneer AT-3s with PTZ camera, 5-DOF arm , compass, gyro, onboard computer with wifi
  • 1 Pioneer AT-3s with PTZ camera, with 2 5-DOF arms , compass, gyro, onboard computer with wifi
  • 1 Pioneer DX-2 with fixed stereocamera
  • several lab-built experimental bases
  • Three 30Hz Kinect RGB-D cameras, 1 DS 60Hz RGB-D camera, 1 Intel Real Sense RGB-D camera Developer Kit SR300
  • Omnidirectional Camera
  • Various lens, IR and UV filters,
  • FERAL programmable video multiplexor.
  • Multiple SONY color video cameras,
  • Multiple lab linux workstations/servers and SBC (PC-104) systems.
  • Shared use of 148 node HPC cluster.
The lab is also equipped with mechanical and electrical tools and support equipment as well as design and analysis software.
  • 5 Pioneer AT-3s with SICK laser, PTZ camera, compass, gyro, onboard computer with WiFi
  • 6 Pioneer AT-3s with digital stereo-cameras on Pan-Tilt base, compass, gyro, onboard computer with WiFi
  • 5 Pioneer AT-3s with PTZ camera, ea. With 5-DOF arm, compass, gyro, onboard computer with WiFi
  • 1 Pioneer DX-2 with fixed stereo-camera
  • 10 Crazyflie drones equipped with Flowdecks & Loco positioning system for drone localization.
The RCV Lab has three multicore servers with GPU for robotic programming, program analysis and verification and image processing as well as multiple digital cameras, RGBD cameras and display resources.
  • Persons/group who can change the list:
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