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CAS login manager for TWiki


This is a login manager for TWiki which allows integration in a CAS Single Sign On infrastructure.

Once installed, it provides users with a "trip" to a CAS server to enter usernames and passwords when authentication is required in TWiki.

To activate it, you will specify TWiki::LoginManager::CasLogin (or TWiki::Client::CasLogin for TWiki 4.1.x) in the security setup section of configure.


Configure the following variables to activate this Login manager :

$TWiki::cfg{LoginManager} = 'TWiki::LoginManager::CasLogin'; # or 'TWiki::Client::CasLogin'; for TWiki 4.1.x
$TWiki::cfg{CAS}{casUrl} = 'https://yourcas.yourdomain/cas';
$TWiki::cfg{CAS}{CAFile} = '/etc/ssl/certs/your_CAS.pem';

Should you wish to trace execution of Client/LoginManager, you may set also :

$TWiki::cfg{Trace}{Client} = 1;

Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server where TWiki is running.

Like many other TWiki extensions, this module is shipped with a fully automatic installer script written using the BuildContrib.

  • If you have TWiki 4.2 or later, you can install from the configure interface (Go to Plugins->Find More Extensions)
  • If you have any problems, then you can still install manually from the command-line:
    1. Download one of the .zip or .tgz archives
    2. Unpack the archive in the root directory of your TWiki installation.
    3. Run the installer script ( perl <module>_installer )
    4. Run configure and enable the module, if it is a plugin.
    5. Repeat for any missing dependencies.
  • If you are still having problems, then instead of running the installer script:
    1. Make sure that the file permissions allow the webserver user to access all files.
    2. Check in any installed files that have existing ,v files in your existing install (take care not to lock the files when you check in)
    3. Manually edit LocalSite.cfg to set any configuration variables.

Contrib Info

This initial attempt at packaging the CasLogin is based on work done by CharlieReitsma (See CasLogin), modified by OlivierBerger to work with TWiki 4.1.2, and assembled into a Contrib package.

You'll find the original version of CharlieReitsma meant for TWiki 4.2 in CasLogin.

Contrib Author(s): CharlieReitsma, OlivierBerger
Copyright: © Greg Abbas, Charlie Reitsma, Olivier Berger
License: GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Contrib Version: 17456 (26 Aug 2008)
Change History:  
v. 0.17456 (26 Aug 2008) Updating documentation, adding Config.spec, managing Contrib sources in SVN.
v. 2 (20080815) Adding TWiki::LoginManager::CasLogin for TWiki 4.2 to ship both versions at the same time.
v. 1 (20080814) Initial release with TWiki::Client::CasLogin, only for TWiki 4.1.2.
AuthCAS>=1.3.1Required. See : CPAN:AuthCAS, AuthCAS#AuthCAS_Module
Contrib Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/CasLoginContrib
Feedback: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/CasLoginContribDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/CasLoginContribAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiContribs, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

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Topic revision: r4 - 2008-08-26 - OlivierBerger
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.CasLoginContrib.