<span style="color: #7a4707; font-family: 'Courier New', courier, monaco, monospace; white-space: pre;"><meta name="robots" content="noindex" /></span> -- Multirobot Waypoint mission with obstacle avoidance -- August 2014 dml -- This version modified from -- multirobot w OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE (both static obstacles (via union) and other robot pos. -- dagan 3/14 -- and includes the mutual robot obstacle avoidance, and so uses different robot models -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSS RESULT-VAR posR1 TSS RESULT-VAR posR2 TSS RESULT-VAR oposR1 TSS RESULT-VAR oposR2 -- include atomic definitions PARS INCLUDE atomic -- include environment model PARS INCLUDE two_obstacles_environment -- ** Some Constants ** CONST REAL Tstep=1.0 -- discrete time step of environment model CONST REAL MaxSpeed=300.0 -- speed in mm per timestep CONST REAL BaseSpeed=200.0 -- speed in mm per timestep CONST REAL AngSpeed=0.29 -- angular velocity in radians per timestep CONST VEC2F SIGNAL1=(5,5) --arbitrarily-valued flag variable CONST VEC2F SIGNAL2=(5,5) --arbitrarily-valued flag variable -- initial configuration of the robots CONST NORM P01=(P01mean,P01var) --* Robot 1 initial position distribution CONST VEC2F P01mean=(5500,2000) --testing CONST VEC4F P01var=(500,0,0,500) CONST NORM P02=(P02mean,P02var) --* Robot 2 initial position distribution CONST VEC2F P02mean=(6500,2000) --testing CONST VEC4F P02var=(500,0,0,500) CONST VEC2F V0=(0,0) --* initial velocity --New goal locations created by subtracting goal_Tolerance value from actual waypoint --along the axis of travel. --CONST VEC2F G1=(9500,6000) CONST VEC2F G1=(9000,6000) --CONST VEC2F G2=(11500,4000) CONST VEC2F G2=(11000,4000) --CONST VEC2F G3=(17000,6000) CONST VEC2F G3=(16500,6000) --CONST VEC2F G4=(19500,4000) CONST VEC2F G4=(19000,4000) CONST VEC2F G5=(16500,11000) CONST VEC2F G5r=(16500,11500) --the real final waypoint (no tolerances subtracted) for use with IAP CONST VEC2F G6=(19000,12500) CONST VEC2F G6r=(19000,13000) --the real final waypoint -- dml 4/14/14 - needed to define different init values for the two robots -- so they could be started seperately, but also so indep static analysis catches connections CONST NORM Z0=(Z0mean,Z0var) CONST VEC2F Z0mean=(0.0,0.0) CONST VEC4F Z0var=(0,0,0,0) CONST NORM Z0R1=(Z0mean,Z0var) CONST NORM Z0R2=(Z0mean,Z0var) CONST NORM H0=(H0R1mean,H0var) CONST VEC2F H0R1mean=(1.0,0.0) --* initial heading unit vector CONST VEC4F H0var=(0,0,0,0) CONST NORM H0R1=(H0R1mean,H0var) CONST NORM H0R2=(H0R2mean,H0var) CONST VEC2F H0R2mean=(1.0,0.0) --* initial heading unit vector -- include the CNL definitions PARS INCLUDE cnl -- include robot definitions PARS INCLUDE robot1OA PARS INCLUDE robot2OA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MP processes to make message-passing more explicit----------------------- TYPE VEC2F putVal TYPE VEC2F gotVal TYPE VEC2F check Put_message<putVal>(mOUT) = OUT<mOUT, putVal > ; COND<GTR,putVal,SIGNAL1> ; Put_message<putVal> . Got_message<check>(mIN) = IN<mIN><gotVal> ; COND<GTR,gotVal,check> ; Got_message<check> . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission (piM,piM2,obM,obM2,siM,siM2,hM,hM2,odM,odM2)(voM,voM2) = Coop<1,1,1,G1>(odM2,cV101,cC101,cC102)(voM2) | Move_to<G1,2000,1.5>(odM2)(cV101) | Noise<Z0,G1>(odM2)(cC101) | Avoid_Obstacles<Z0,G1>(odM2,obM2)(cC102) | (Is_at_goal<G1>(odM2) ; Put_message<SIGNAL2>(cG1)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG1) ; Coop<1,1,1,G2>(odM,cV201,cC201,cC202)(voM)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG1) ; Move_to<G2,2000,1.5>(odM)(cV201)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG1) ; Noise<Z0,G2>(odM)(cC201)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG1) ; Avoid_Obstacles<Z0,G2>(odM,obM)(cC202)) | (Is_at_goal<G2>(odM) ; Put_message<SIGNAL1>(cG2)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL1>(cG2) ; Coop<1,1,1,G3>(odM2,cV301,cC301,cC302)(voM2)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL1>(cG2) ; Move_to<G3,2000,1.5>(odM2)(cV301)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL1>(cG2) ; Noise<Z0,G3>(odM2)(cC301)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL1>(cG2) ; Avoid_Obstacles<Z0,G3>(odM2,obM2)(cC302)) | (Is_at_goal<G3>(odM2) ; Spin<G90>(hM2)(voM2)) | (Is_at_head<G90>(hM2) ; Put_message<SIGNAL2>(cG3)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG3) ; Coop<1,1,1,G4>(odM,cV401,cC401,cC402)(voM)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG3) ; Move_to<G4,2000,1.5>(odM)(cV401)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG3) ; Noise<Z0,G4>(odM)(cC401)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG3) ; Avoid_Obstacles<Z0,G4>(odM,obM)(cC402)) | (Is_at_goal<G4>(odM) ; Spin<G90>(hM)(voM)) | (Is_at_head<G90>(hM) ; Put_message<SIGNAL1>(cG4)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL1>(cG4) ; Coop<1,1,1,G5>(odM2,cV501,cC501,cC502)(voM2)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL1>(cG4) ; Move_to<G5,2000,1.5>(odM2)(cV501)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL1>(cG4) ; Noise<Z0,G5>(odM2)(cC501)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL1>(cG4) ; Avoid_Obstacles<Z0,G5>(odM2,obM2)(cC502)) | (Is_at_goal<G5>(odM2) ; Put_message<SIGNAL2>(cG5)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG5) ; Coop<1,1,1,G6>(odM,cV601,cC601,cC602)(voM)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG5) ; Move_to<G6,2000,1.5>(odM)(cV601)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG5) ; Noise<Z0,G6>(odM)(cC601)) | (Got_message<SIGNAL2>(cG5) ; Avoid_Obstacles<Z0,G6>(odM,obM)(cC602)). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --System is the concurrent composition of controller (Mission) and environment (Robots) SYS = Mission (cPOS,cPOS2,cOB,cOB2,cSEN,cSEN2,cHEAD,cHEAD2,cOPOS,cOPOS2)(cVEL,cVEL2) | Robot1<P01,P02,Z0R1,H0R1,Z0R1,H0R1mean,P01>(cVEL,cSH2)(cPOS, cSH1, cOB, cSEN,cHEAD,cOPOS) | Robot2<P02,P01,Z0R2,H0R2,Z0R2,H0R2mean,P02>(cVEL2,cSH1)(cPOS2,cSH2, cOB2,cSEN2,cHEAD2,cOPOS2) . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NO GOAL PROCESS NETWORK DEFINED - GOAL IS BY TERMINATION -- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision
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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-01-29 - PengTang
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