GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001

Autonomous Robot Exploration

Faculty Mentor: Damian Lyons (Fordham)


Autonomous vehicles and robots are increasingly visible in magazines and news stories. It seems inevitable that they will soon be a major commercial technology. The objective of this project is to use the open-source ROS mapping and navigation stack and devise a way for a mobile robot to quickly and automatically learn the physical map for a house so that it is prepared to carry out domestic activities.

Participant Background

This project is appropriate for participants who have a background in computer science, especially Linux and Python programming. ROS is an open-source framework for building robot programs that runs under Linux, and Python is one of the easier languages in which to program ROS nodes. Experience cloning and ‘make’ing software from github would be a big help.

Objectives and Learning Goals

The participants in this project will achieve the following:

  • Gain a basic understanding robot programming.
  • Learn about ROS – one of the principal tools for programming robots.
  • Exposure to widely used techniques and algorithms for mapping and for robot navigation.
  • Experience writing ROS nodes and evaluating robot behavior.

Important Links

ROS Wiki:


Gentle introduction to ROS:

Overview of SLAM:

SLAM by GMapping:


Team1: Zarrin, Jessica, Duvall,,,

Team2: Feizza,Connie, Sylvia,,


W1 3/1: Begin Phase 1 UBUNTU in place, ROS installed, Start tutorials

Install up to 3.1.5 on the robotis 'quickstart guide. Examine your ~/bashrc file as in 3.1.6 part 3 and make sure you have the two lines ABOVE the red box.
Type them in if you do not. Ignore the two lines in the red box.

Start the ROS twiki tutorials. You an use "rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node" as a simulator if you want - thats what's in the tutorials.
or use "roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_house.launch" You need to get as far as #13. (Don't do #11 or any C++ material).
see if you can get to #6 before the next meeting.

If you find that you do not have the turtlebot3_gazebo package then you need to install from the robotis web page, item 6 Simulation.

Plan to meet with your team -- anyone on the team can organize this, but if you don't hear anything by Saturday then YOU organize it.
Share progress and help each other.

Read the document "A Gentle Introduction to ROS" - use this as a reference document for the first tutorials.

Next meeting is 5pm on Wed Mar 10.

W2 3/8: >= 50% ROS tutorials. One team member to specialize in gazebo knowledge

W3 3/15: ROS tutorials done. Motion and sensing scripts. One team member to specialize in gMapping

W4 3/22: Demo gMapping. wander script. exploration mapping

W5 3/29 Begin Phase 2

Design & testing of exploration algorithms

W6 4/5:

W7 4/12:

W8 4/19:

Workshop 4/23 -- Poster/Video from each team showing rsults


Persons/group who can view/change the page:

-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

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