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- Clang 3.8
On Ubuntu terminal, type the following commands to install Clang 3.8:
- sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://llvm.org/apt/trusty/
llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.8 main'
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install clang-3.8
- Python 2.7
On Ubuntu terminal, type the following command to install Python 2.7:
- sudo apt-get install python
- SpiderMonkey 24
GraphViz 2.38
- Evince 3.18 or another PDF viewer
- Bash 4.3
Finally clone the MLSA repository, which will generate the mlsa folder:
- Download software from https://git.io/MLSA
- Run mlsapath.bash in the mlsa folder (adds mlcg.py to PATH) with command: $source mlsapath.bash
When MLSA is cloned, it will produce a folder with the following subfolders:
- Bin - contains python code implementing MLSA filter programs and MLSA pipeline
- Doc - contains MLSA documentation
- Test - contains the program testcode.py and test folders test0 through test5 that can be used to determine a correct installation
- ExampleCodeBase - contains C/C++, Python, and JavaScript subfolders with various programs downloaded from the web to evaluate MLSA
A good way to test if your MLSA installation is operating correctly is by cd-ing to the test folder and invoking the testcode.py program as follows. All calls to testcode.py will automatically diff the results generated with the correct results and report the differences in a text file called testN_stats.txt where N is the argument given to the testcode.py program:
- $python testcode.py -1 -> deletes all code generated from testcode.py; run after every test
- $python testcode.py 0 -> tests the C function call generator
- $python testcode.py 1 -> tests the C control flow, assignment collector, and RDA pipeline
- $python testcode.py 2 -> tests the Python function call generator
- $python testcode.py 3 -> tests the multilingual Python and C functional call pipeline
- $python testcode.py 4 -> tests the JavaScript function call generator
- #python testcode.py 5 -> tests the multilingual Python, C, and JavaScript pipeline
-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision