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MLSA_logo.png Future Work

- Extension of the RDA analysis for more complex interoperability aPIs, including use of DATALOG for analysis

- More extensive testing and comparisons of the CGs generated with those for existing CG tools

- Handling other ways of calling Python

  • PyAPI _FUNC(int) PyRun _AnyFileExFlags(FILE *fp, const char *filename, int, PyCompilerFlags *);
    • Also PyRun _AnyFile or PyRun _AnyFileEx or PyRun _AnyFileFlags
    • if FP is associated with an interactive device, return PyRun _InteractiveLoop(); else return the result of PyRun _SimpleFile().
    • IF filename is NULL, the function uses "???" as the filename
  • PyAPI _FUNC(int) PyRun _SimpleStringFlags(const char * command, PyCompilerFlags *);
    • also PyRun _SimpleString
    • "command" is the python command(s) to be executed. The function will create a main function to add and run what is defined in "command"
      • the string can be filtered to find default Python functions
      • using a default name for this kind of python call to represent it in the graph (numbered default name to differ calls)
  • PyAPI _FUNC(int) PyRun _InteractiveOneFlags(FILE *fp, const char *filename, PyCompilerFlags *);
    • also PyRun _InteractiveOne
    • fp is an interactive device (console, terminal) and filename is the name of the file
      • executes only ONE statement from "filename"
  • PyAPI _FUNC(int) PyRun _InteractiveLoopFlags(FILE *fp, const char *filename, PyCompilerFlags *);
    • Also PyRun _InteractiveLoop
    • fp is an interactive device (console, terminal) and filename is the name of the file
      • executes statements from "filename"
  • PyAPI _FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun _StringFlags(const char *str, int start, PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals, PyCompilerFlags *);
    • Also PyRun _String
    • runs "str" in the context specified by "globals" and "locals"
      • create a default function name for this kind of call, then use it as nodes in the graph
  • PyAPI _FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun _FileExFlags(FILE *, const char *, int, PyObject *, PyObject *, int, PyCompilerFlags *);
    • Also PyRun _File or PyRun _FileExFlags or PyRun _FileExFlags
    • Python source code is read from fp, and filename is the name of the file.

All these methods use a string as identifier to modules or commands. It should not be difficult to identify functions and analyze them. They are also similar to "PyRun_SimpleFile", which is already implemented .

  • Pure Embedding (most safe and complete way of calling python)
  • pFunc = PyObject _GetAttrString(PyObject *pModule, const char *func);
    • func is the name of the function inside the module.
  • pValue = PyObject _CallObject(PyObject *pFunc, PyObject *pArgs);
    • pArgs is the list of arguments. pValue is the return value of the function. It must be converted to a C type

The problem with this approach is that there are multiple conversions and attributions before getting the reference to the function. A Reaching Definition Analysis is necessary to find the intermediate values.

There is a pattern for the steps to be performed, and it also gives more information about the function and the module. So it will make it easier to resolve scoping issues.


  • Persons/group who can view/change the page:

-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

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PNGpng MLSA_logo.png r1 manage 38.5 K 2017-07-12 - 19:29 AnneMarieBogar  
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