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To run the software:

1. Download software from https://git.io/MLSA

2. Run mlsapath.bash in the mlsa folder (adds mlcg.py to PATH) with command: $source mlsapath.bash

3. On the terminal, run the mlcg command with the desired folder or programs as arguments: $mlcg.py [list of args]


A good way to test if your MLSA installation is operating correctly is to test the code on the test programs in the test folder

1. Run the command: $python testcode.py 0

2. A document titled 'stats' will show if there are any differences between the code you generated and the ideal code

3. Delete the generated code by running the command: $python testcode.py -1

2. Repeat with numbers 1-5


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-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

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Topic revision: r3 - 2017-07-11 - AnneMarieBogar
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