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Backlinks to TWikiPlugins in TWiki Web (Search all webs)

Results from TWiki web retrieved at 06:48 (GMT)

Admin Tools Manage whole TWiki site from one screen. Documentation: TWiki Reference Manual Site Tools: Configure script, , InterWikis, Variables, Doc...
Backup Restore Plugin Beta Version Overview This is a solution to backup, restore, and upgrade TWiki sites. It can be used via the browser and on the command line...
Color Picker Plugin Introduction This TWiki plugin packages the color picker, which is a jQuery plugin developed by Steven Wittens of Acko.net. The package adds a...
Comment Plugin The Comment Plugin lets users quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle. Related topics: CommentPluginTemplates, CommentPluginExamples...
Date Picker Plugin Introduction The DatePickerPlugin handles an input field with a pop up calendar to select a date for use in TWiki forms and TWiki applications...
Edit Table Plugin Introduction Edit TWiki tables in place, using edit fields and drop down boxes, without having to edit the complete topic. Simply add an Edit...
Empty TWiki Plugin Introduction This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own .TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended...
Headlines Plugin Description This plugin displays RSS and ATOM feeds from news sites. Use it to build news portals that show headline news. Notes: RSS (Rich...
HttpsRedirectPlugin Usage The HTTPS redirect plug in is designed to help you run a web site where guest users can access pages through HTTP and authenticated users...
Installed Plugins Plugins are mainly user contributed add ons that enhance and extend TWiki features and capabilities. A limited number of plugins are included in...
Inter Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites) This topic lists all aliases needed to map Inter Site links to external wikis/sites. Whenever you write ExternalSite...
Interwiki Plugin Introduction The InterwikiPlugin links ExternalSite:Page text to a page on an external site based on aliases defined in the .InterWikis...
JQuery Plugin Description This plugin packages the popular jQuery and jQuery UI JavaScript libraries. jQuery is a fast, small, and feature rich JavaScript...
LaTeX to MathML Mathematical Equation Plug in Overview This plugin translates embedded LaTeX like equations into in line MathML. It requires a...
LatexModePlugin This LaTeX Mode TWiki Plugin allows you to include LaTeX mark up commands within a TWiki page. It uses external programs (specifically...
Main Features of TWiki Any web browser: Edit existing pages or create new pages by using any web browser. There is no need to upload pages. Edit link...
PreferencesPlugin Introduction Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a .TWikiForms. However, the edit fields are inlined in the text, similar...
Render List Plugin Syntax Rules RENDERLIST Variable Place a % RENDERLIST{ parameters above any bullet list The list can be handcrafted, generated...
SetGetPlugin Introduction Use % SET{ to store a JSON object or arbitrary text in a named variable, and reuse it with % GET{ later on within the topic or an included...
Slide Show Plugin Introduction There is already a defacto standard for presentations, why this plugin? This plugin makes sense for organizations that do already have...
The Smilies Plugin : ) Introduction Smilies are common in e mail messages and bulletin board posts. They are used to convey an emotion, such as a smile :<nop...
TWiki Source Code Packages This documentation is automatically generated from the pod , so it always matches the running code TWiki::AccessControlException Exception...
TWiki Spreadsheet Plugin This plugin adds spreadsheet capabilities to TWiki topics. Functions such as % CALCULATE{$INT(7/3) are evaluated at page view time. They...
TWiki Add Ons Add functionality to TWiki with extensions not based on the TWiki scripts. Overview An add on runs separately from the TWiki scripts, e.g. for data...
TWiki Contribs Reusable code that may be used over several plugins and add ons. Overview TWiki contribs extend the functionality of TWiki, typically used by plugins...
TWiki Reference Manual () This page contains all documentation topics as one long, complete reference sheet. Related Topics: TWikiSite, TWikiHistory, TWikiEnhancementRequests...
TWiki Forms Foundation of TWiki Applications Add structure to content with forms attached to twiki topics. TWiki forms (with form fields) and formatted search are...
Package TWiki::Func Official list of stable TWiki functions for Plugin developers This module defines official functions that TWiki plugins can use to interact...
TWiki Glossary Simple glossary of TWiki terms Term Definition Attachment: Any type of file that is uploaded via browser and attached to a topic ,...
Appendix A: TWiki Development Time line TWiki Release 6.0 (Jerusalem) released on 2013 10 14 2015 11 29 New Features and Enhancements of TWiki Release 6.0...
TWiki Installation Guide The following is installation instructions for the TWiki 6.0 production release on an Apache web server on Linux. Visit TWiki:TWiki.InstallingTWiki...
TWikiNetSkin Plugin Helps TWikiNetSkin to render tables and h2 headers. This plugin is only enabled if the skin is set to twikinet . Syntax Rules (none) Plugin...
TWiki Preferences Form Name Type Size Value Tooltip message Attributes WEBBGCOLOR color 20 #FFD8AA HTML Color S FAVICON text...
TWiki Reference Manual Documentation for webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, and all other users of the TWiki Enterprise Collaboration...
TWiki Release 4.0 (Dakar) Note: This is the release note for the previous major release version 4.0.X. It is included with 4.1.X because it contains valuable information...
TWiki Release 4.2.4 (Freetown), 2008 12 06 Note: This is the release note for the previous major release version 4.2.X. This note, TWikiReleaseNotes04x00 and...
TWiki CGI and Command Line Scripts Programs on the TWiki server performing actions such as rendering, saving and renaming topics. The TWiki scripts are located in...
TWiki Skins A skin overlays regular templates to provide specific look and feel to TWiki screens. Overview TWiki uses TWikiTemplates files as the basis of all the...
TWiki System Requirements Server and client requirements Low client and server base requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly...
TWiki Variables Special text strings expand on the fly to display dynamic content, such as user data or system info TWikiVariables are text strings % VARIABLE...
Table Plugin Introduction The TablePlugin gives extra control of TWiki table rendering using cell 1 cell 2 syntax: Sort table by columns Use TML...
Tag me Plugin Plugin to tag wiki content collectively or authoritatively in order to make it easier to find content and to get a meaningful page ranking. Introduction...
TWiki Text Formatting These instructions are for contributors who prefer to use the Raw Edit over the default WYSIWYG editor. Working in TWiki is as easy as typing...
TinyMCEPlugin Introduction This is an integration of the fast and highly functional WYSIWYG editor. It supports a wide range of browsers such as Firefox, IE, Safari...
TwistyPlugin Introduction The TwistyPlugin gives you several options to control the appearance of a twisty: use link text or buttons position an icon...
ACTIVATEDPLUGINS list of currently activated plugins Syntax: % ACTIVATEDPLUGINS% Expands to: Category: AdministrationVariables, DevelopmentVariables...
FAILEDPLUGINS debugging for plugins that failed to load, and handler list Syntax: % FAILEDPLUGINS% Expands to: See TWikiPlugins#FAILEDPLUGINS Category...
PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS list of plugin descriptions Syntax: % PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS% Expands to: Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVariables...
PLUGINVERSION the version of a TWiki Plugin, or the TWiki Plugins API Syntax: % PLUGINVERSION{`name` to get the version of a specific plugin Example:...
Watchlist Plugin Introduction The WatchlistPlugin adds watchlist feature to TWiki topics. Topics of interest can be watched and unwatched. A user can see recent changes...
Wysiwyg Plugin Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand alone HTML...
Number of topics: 51

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