This page provides online help for new users of TWiki, when editing a page - the area between the horizontal lines is included just below the text input area. You can customize this based on your site's particular needs, e.g. if there's some formatting that your users need a lot. Keeping this help text short and simple is important since this page is aimed at new users. It does include pop-up links for more detailed help - you will need to test these links from within the Edit page for their <nop>JavaScript code to work correctly. --- %STARTINCLUDE% *Formatting help:* * *bold* put word/phrase in asterisks: =<nop>*your phrase*= * *bullet list* 3 spaces, asterisk, 1 space: = * your text= * *headings* 3 dashes, 1 to 6 pluses, 1 space: =---++ Your Heading= * *italic* put word/phrase in underscores: =_<nop>your words_= * *links* use topic name or URL: =WebHome=, =, or =[<nop>[][link to Yahoo]]= * *monospaced* put word/phrase in equal signs: =<nop>=your words== * *paragraphs* separate with blank line * <a target="TextFormattingRules" onclick="return launchWindow('%TWIKIWEB%','TextFormattingRules')" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%TWIKIWEB%/TextFormattingRules">More formatting help</a> and <a target="GoodStyle" onclick="return launchWindow('%TWIKIWEB%','GoodStyle')" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%TWIKIWEB%/GoodStyle">hints on good style</a> %STOPINCLUDE% --- -- TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens - 10 Sep 2003 %BR% -- TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin - 11 Sep 2003 %BR% -- TWiki:Main.RandyKramer - 11 Sep 2003 %BR% -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 25 Sep 2003
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r2 - 2004-07-28 - PeterThoeny
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