---## <nop>TWiki Language by the Line * Separate each *paragraph* with a blank line. * To display a word or phrase in *bold type*, surround it by asterisks: =*bold type*= * To display a word or phrase in _italic_, surround it by underscores: =_italic_= * To display a word or phrase in __bold italic__, surround it by double underscores: =__bold italic__= * *To link* to another Wiki topic, type the WikiWord for that topic. To link to a Wiki topic in another web, type the name of the web, a dot, and the <nop>WikiWord for that topic: ==Test.<nop>%HOMETOPIC%==. * If you add a WikiWord for a topic that doesn't exist, you'll see a question mark after it, prompting you (or someone else) to edit the new topic: FreshTopic. Once edited, enter the new <nop>WikiName and it will appear as a link to the that page. * When entering <nop>WikiName links, include the home web name as a prefix, ex: all TWiki member pages are in the Main web, so enter ==Main.YourName==. * For an external link, just type the URL, starting with ==http://==. * To prevent a <nop>WikiName from becoming a link, type =<nop>= first, ==<nop>NoLinkPlease==. * To indent with a *bullet*, enter space-space-space-asterisk-space. * Use a multiple of 3 spaces to start *nested bullets*. 1 Start items in a *numbered list* with space-space-space-1-space. 1 The "1" (or *any number*) will be replaced by the correct number in order. * Always start *counting* for bullets and such from the beginning of a new line. * To include an *image*, type its URL. You also can Attach an image to the page and display it with text =%<nop>ATTACHURL%/yourimagefilename.jpg= . * To display a word or phrase in =MONOSPACED TYPE=, surround it by '=' characters. Use two for bold: ==bold mono== . <pre> Surround code excerpts, filenames, and other unformatted text with <pre> or </pre> <verbatim> and </verbatim> tags. </pre> * Use three or more consecutive *hyphens* for a horizontal rule: =---= * To see the markup for any page, click on *Raw text* on the lower toolbar. * See TextFormattingRules for more....
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r5 - 2001-08-30 - MikeMannix
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