<table><tr><td> Welcome to %WIKITOOLNAME%, a web-based collaboration tool, document management tool, and knowledge base tool. This is the place to learn about the tool.</td><td> <a href="http://TWiki.org/"><img src="%PUBURL%/twikilogo3.gif" width="131" height="64" alt="Powered by TWiki" border="0" /></a> </td><td> <b>The TWiki <sup>TM</sup> home is <br> at http://TWiki.org/ </b> </td></tr> </table> *Starting points* at the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web: * WelcomeGuest: Start here for a %WIKITOOLNAME% crash course. * TWikiRegistration: Create an %WIKITOOLNAME% account in order to edit topics and customize services. ---+++ User Guide * TWikiWeb: Brief %WIKITOOLNAME% backgrounder: first there was Wiki... * WikiSyntax: TWiki language basics. * TWikiFAQ: The first things people ask about %WIKITOOLNAME%. * TextFormattingFAQ: Most requested facts about posting in TWiki. * TWikiTutorial: A %WIKITOOLNAME% quick start alternative. * GoodStyle: Tips for an open communications environment. * TextFormattingRules: The full power of TWiki on a page. * TWikiVariables: Manipulate text, graphics, calculations, and more with simple expanding text strings. * FileAttachments: Upload files to any topic, for display or distribution. * [[RenameTopic][ModifyTopics]]: Rename, move, delete pages. ---+++ Webmaster Reference * TWikiHistory: a timeline tracing the development of TWiki. * TWikiDocumentation: the complete Web administrator's reference, containing: 1 [[TWikiImplementationNotes][TWikiSystemRequirements]] 1 TWikiInstallationNotes 1 TWikiUpgradeNotes 1 TWikiAuthentication <!--1 TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername--> 1 TWikiAccessControl 1 TWikiVariables 1 TWikiFormTemplate 1 TWikiTemplates 1 TWikiSkins 1 TWikiPlugins 1 MetaDataDefinition 1 MetaDataRendering 1 [[TWikiNotificationOfChanges][MonitorSiteActivity]] 1 [[RenameTopic][ModifyTopics]] 1 [[TWikiAdministration][ModifyWebs]] <form action="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/search%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/"> * WebSearch: Full text search of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. * <input type="text" name="search" size="32" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" /> (More options in WebSearch) * WebChanges: Find out recent modifications to the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. * WebIndex: Display all %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% topics in alphabetical order. * %NOTIFYTOPIC%: Subscribe to be automatically notified when something changes in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. * %STATISTICSTOPIC%: View access statistics of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. * %WEBPREFSTOPIC%: Preferences of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. * %WIKIPREFSTOPIC%: %WIKITOOLNAME% site-level preferences . </form> *Notes:* * You are currently in the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. The color code for this web is a light orange background, so you know where you are. * If you are not familiar with the %WIKITOOLNAME% collaboration tool, please visit %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest first. * TWiki <sup>TM</sup> is a trademark of PeterThoeny %INCLUDE{"TWikiWebsTable"}%
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r17 - 2001-08-29 - JohnTalintyre
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