---+ Package =TWiki::Search= This module implements all the search functionality. %TOC% ---++ ClassMethod *new* <tt>($session)</tt> Constructor for the singleton Search engine object. ---++ StaticMethod *getTextPattern* <tt>($text,$pattern)</tt> Sanitise search pattern - currently used for FormattedSearch only ---++ ObjectMethod *searchWeb* <tt>(...)</tt> Search one or more webs according to the parameters. If =_callback= is set, that means the caller wants results as soon as they are ready. =_callback_ should be set to a reference to a function which takes =_cbdata= as the first parameter and remaining parameters the same as 'print'. If =_callback= is set, the result is always undef. Otherwise the result is a string containing the rendered search results. If =inline= is set, then the results are *not* decorated with the search template head and tail blocks. Note: If =format= is set, =template= will be ignored. Note: For legacy, if =regex= is defined, it will force type='regex' SMELL: If =template= is defined =bookview= will not work SMELL: it seems that if you define =_callback= or =inline= then you are responsible for converting the TML to HTML yourself! FIXME: =callback= cannot work with format parameter (consider format='| $topic |'
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r2 - 2007-01-16 - TWikiContributor
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