---+ Package =TWiki::Net= Object that brokers access to network resources. %TOC% ---++ ObjectMethod *getUrl* <tt>($host,$port,$url,$user,$pass,$header) -> $text</tt> Get the text at the other end of a URL ---++ setMailHandler( \&fn ) * =\&fn= - reference to a function($) (see _sendEmailBySendmail for proto) Install a handler function to take over mail sending from the default SMTP or sendmail methods. This is provided mainly for tests that need to be told when a mail is sent, without actually sending it. It may also be useful in the event that someone needs to plug in an alternative mail handling method. ---++ ObjectMethod *sendEmail* <tt>($text,$retries) -> $error</tt> * =$text= - text of the mail, including MIME headers * =$retries= - number of times to retry the send (default 1) Send an email specified as MIME format content. Date: ...\nFrom: ...\nTo: ...\nCC: ...\nSubject: ...\n\nMailBody...
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Topic revision: r1 - 2006-02-01 - TWikiContributor
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