Register users on your TWiki site; change/reset/install passwords; remove user accounts
It is not necessary to have user home pages in the TWiki system for Authentication to work - see TWikiUserAuthentication for details.
To remove a user account (FredQuimby, who logs in as "fred"):
file, edit the .htpasswd
file to delete the line starting fred:
FredQuimby - fred
line from the Main.TWikiUsers topic
from all groups and from all the ALLOWWEB/ALLOWTOPIC...
declarations, if any.Note: Consider leaving the user topic file in place so their past signatures and revision author entries don't end up looking like AnUncreatedTopic. If you want to make it clear the user is no longer with the organization or has been banished, replace the topic content with a note to that effect. The existance of the UserName topic should also prevent that user name from being re-used, sealing the potential security hole regarding inherited permissions..
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