Linux ROS Machine

The linux ROS machine you can download here has been configured in Oracle Virtualbox as follows:

  • Ubuntu 64 bit 20.04.6 LTS
  • ROS Noetic Desktop Full
  • Python3 ROS packages
  • Turtlebot3 packages
  • Turtlebot3 gazebo simulation packages
  • Misc. preloaded additional models for Gazebo
You will need to download and save on your laptop. The machine file is 6.4GB in size. Download it on a wired connection or it will take a long time (it will still take a while).

If you do not have oracle Virtualbox installed, install it now

Start virtual box and under the menu item File->Import appliance select the FRCVROS.ova file.

Once the machine is imported, you can start it by starting Virtualbox and clicking on the name of the machine FRCVROS.


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-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

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Topic revision: r2 - 2024-08-12 - DamianLyons
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