Faculty & Collaborators

Dr. Damian M. Lyons, Lab Director, Professor CIS Dept/Fordham

Dr. Mohamed Rahouti, CIS Dept/Fordham

Dr. D. Leeds, CIS Dept/Fordham

Dr. Paul Benjamin, PACE University

Dr. Tom Marshall, Bloomberg NYC

Mr. Avi Shuter, Senior Wild Animal Keeper, Bronx Wildlife Conservancy, Bronx Zoo

Dr. Ronald Arkin, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. J. MacDonall, Professor Psychology/Fordham

Dr. D. Frank Hsu, Clavius Distinguished Professor/Fordham

Graduate Students

Nasim Paykari

Courtney King

Kayla Laufer

FRCV Lab Assistant(s)

Nicole Sudall

Undergraduate Students

Nick Tranh

Ademi Zain

Summer Researchers

Graduate Alums

Jary Tolentino

Dylon Rajah

Kyle Ryan

Dino Becaj

Qian Zhao

Saba Zara

Anne Marie Bogar

Trevor Buteau

Caleb Hulbert

Felix Fang

Feng Tang

Peng Tang

Dagan Harrington

Paramesh Nirmal

Tsung-Ming (James) Liu

Karma Shrestha

Stephen Fox

Giselle Isner

Kiran Pamnany

Jeremy Drysdale

Sothearith Chanty

Liang Wong

Qiang Ma

Jizhou Ai

Linta Samuel

Ben Weigend

Carlos Usandivaras

Hemamalini Kannan

Franklin Montero

Undergraduate Alums

Jack Woo

Noah Petzinger

Jason Hughes

Philip Bal

Kasper Grispino

Mark Huang

Michael Wieck-Sosa

Doug Lamport

Trung Nguyen

Sunand Ragupathi

Nicholas Estelami

Juan Ruiz

Ben Barriage

Luca Del Signore

Maggie Gates

Aryadne Guardieiro Pereira Rezende (BSMP 2016)

Margaret Adams

Alex Keyes

Nicholas Primiano

Dennis Egan

Joseph Leroy

Alina Kinealy

Emir Ogel

Kenneth Durkin

Kelly Cunningham

Chris Guerrero

Andrew Fraser

Michael Yu

Liz Spangler

Brendan Offer

Pamela Pettit

Sasha-Lee Garvey

Alex Dorey

Mike Feola

Yu Lam

Brittany Kwait

Peter To

Paul Ryan

Rene McQuick

Michelle Yee

Erland Jean-Pierre

Mike Welsh

Kate McCarthy

Jesus Rodriguez

Honorary Alums!

Rohan Agarwal (Hunter College High School; Summer 2018)

Bruno Vieira (BSMP 2016)

Gleidson Mendes (BSMP 2015)

Nicholas Estelami (Summer 2013)

Alicia Devalencia (Stuyvesant HS; Summer 2012)

Oliver Donson (Ossining HS)

Greg Robins (Ossining HS)

Dan Scanteianu (Ossining HS)

  • Persons/group who can change the list:

-- %USERSIG{DamianLyons - 2015-06-22}

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