
Article text.

-- Damian Lyons - 2015-06-22

Major Equipment: The Robotics & Computer Vision Lab at Fordham includes the following major equipment:


  • 5 Pioneer AT-3s with SICK laser, PTZ Video camera, compass, gyro, onboard computer with wifi
  • 6 Pioneer AT-3s with digital stereocameras on Pan-Tilt base, compass, gyro, onboard computer with wifi
  • 3 Pioneer AT-3s with PTZ camera, 5-DOF arm , compass, gyro, onboard computer with wifi
  • 1 Pioneer AT-3s with PTZ camera, with 2 5-DOF arm , compass, gyro, onboard computer with wifi
  • 1 Pioneer DX-2 with fixed stereocamera
  • several lab-built experimental bases including a novel tripedal robot, a tracked base and a Sony AIBO.
  • Two 30Hz Kinect RGB-D cameras & 1 DS 60Hz RGB-D camera
  • Omnidirectional Camera
  • Philips Autodome PTZ camera, SONY PTZ D100P camera
  • Various lens, IR and UV filters,
  • FERAL programmable video multiplexor.
  • Multiple SONY color video cameras,
  • Multiple lab windows and linux workstations and SBC (PC-104) systems.
  • 88 node Intel Xeon E54462 based HPC cluster, with 11 dual processor quad core HP servers.
The lab is also equipped with mechanical and electrical tools and support equipment as well as design and analysis software such as Mathematica, Matlab, and Webots,and also Missionlab, ODE, USARSim, Ogre and others.

  • Persons/group who can change the list:

This topic: Main > WebHome > FRCVLabMain > FRCVEquipment
Topic revision: r1 - 2015-06-22 - DamianLyons
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