---++Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory - Demos and Software [[FRCVRotopodDemos][Rotational Legged Locomotion]] Pictures, Videos for novel triped robot. [[FRCVADAPTDemos][Robot "imagination"]] Pictures, Videos for using a 3D simulation to 'imagine' what might happen [[FRCVTSGDemos][Terrain Spatiograms for Landmarks]] Pictures and code for generating unique 3D spatiogram views of landmarks from point cloud data. [[DemoInstructions][Instructions for Demo]] Step by step process of how to properly turn on robot, log into robot, and run demo files. [[VisualHomingDemo][Visual Homing using stereo-vision demo]]. Includes source code and instructions on how to run the demo. ---++++ Page protections <li>Persons/group who can view/change the page: </li> * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = FRCVRoboticsGroup -- Main.DamianLyons - 2010-11-16
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-08-03 - DamianLyons
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