Difference: WikiSyntax (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42001-08-30 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1
Separate each paragraph with a blank line.
  • Separate each paragraph with a blank line.
To display a word or phrase in bold type, surround it by asterisks.
  • To display a word or phrase in bold type, surround it by asterisks: *bold type*
To display a word or phrase in italic, surround it by underscores.
  • To display a word or phrase in italic, surround it by underscores: _italic_
To display a word or phrase in bold italic, surround it by double underscores.
  • To display a word or phrase in bold italic, surround it by double underscores: __bold italic__
To link to another Wiki topic, type the WikiWord for that topic. To link to a Wiki topic in another web, type the name of the web, a dot, and the WikiWord for that topic (i.e., Test.WebHome).
  • To link to another Wiki topic, type the WikiWord for that topic. To link to a Wiki topic in another web, type the name of the web, a dot, and the WikiWord for that topic: Test.WebHome.
If you add a WikiWord for a topic that does not yet exist, you'll see a question mark after it, prompting you (or someone else) to edit the new topic. After that has been done, the WikiWord will be automatically recognized as a link to the new Wiki page.
  • If you add a WikiWord for a topic that does not yet exist, you'll see a question mark after it, prompting you (or someone else) to edit the new topic: FreshTopic. After that's done, the WikiWord will be automatically recognized as a link to the new page.
For an external hyperlink, just type the URL ( starting with http:// ).
  • For an external hyperlink, just type the URL, starting with http://.
  • Start a bullet point with space-space-space-asterisk-space.
    • Use a multiple of 3 spaces to start nested bullets.
  1. Start items in a numbered list with space-space-space-1-space.
  1. (The "1" will be replaced by the correct number).
  1. The "1" will be replaced by the correct number
To include an image inline, just type its URL. You also can attach an image to the page and display it with text %ATTACHURL%/imagefile.jpg .
  • To include an image inline, just type its URL. You also can attach an image to the page and display it with text %ATTACHURL%/imagefile.jpg .
To display a word or phrase in MONOSPACED TYPE, surround it by '=' characters.
  • To display a word or phrase in MONOSPACED TYPE, surround it by '=' characters. Use two for bold: bold mono .

  Surround code excerpts and other formatted text with <verbatim> and </verbatim> tags.
Use five consecutive hyphens for a horizontal rule.
  • Use three consecutive hyphens for a horizontal rule: ---
To see the markup for any page, click on "Edit" at the bottom of the page.
  • To see the markup for any page, click on Raw text on the lower toolbar.
See TextFormattingRules for more detail.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.WikiSyntax.