Difference: WikiSyntax (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122001-12-03 - MikeMannix

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TWikiShorthand Basics

If you can enter text, you're ready for TWiki. With a few simple, intuitive TWikiShorthand rules, you'll be able to use plain text to create well-styled postings, instantly. Here's a fast-track guide to shorthand basics...

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  1. Start items in a numbered list with [space][space][space][1][space].
  2. The "1" (or any number) will be replaced by the correct number, in order.
  • Always start counting for bullets and such from the beginning of a new line.
  • Start counting spaces for bullets from the beginning of a new line.
  • To include an image, type its URL. You also can Attach an image to the page and display it with text
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  • Use three (or more) consecutive hyphens expands into a horizontal rule: ---
  • Three (or more) consecutive hyphens expand into a horizontal rule: ---


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