Difference: TextFormattingRules (53 vs. 54)

Revision 542011-06-05 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Text Formatting

Line: 27 to 27

External Links

  • http://..., https://..., ftp://..., gopher://..., news://..., file://..., telnet://... and mailto:...@... are linked automatically.
  • http://..., https://..., ftp://..., gopher://..., news://..., file://..., telnet://... and mailto:...@... are linked automatically.
  • Write [[URL][label]] to get an external link with a descriptive text for the link, such as [[http://google.com/][Google home page]] to get Google home page.
  • [[Square bracket rules]] let you easily create non-WikiWord links.
    • You can also write [[http://yahoo.com Yahoo home page]] as an easier way of doing external links with descriptive text for the link, such as Yahoo home page.

TWiki Variables

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TextFormattingRules.