Difference: TextFormattingFAQ (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152003-08-22 - PeterThoeny

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Text Formatting FAQ

The most frequently asked questions about text formatting are answered. Also, TextFormattingRules contains the complete TWiki shorthand system on one quick reference page.

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  Result: Proportional text, fixed font, proportional again.


Text I enter gets wrapped around. How can I keep the formatting as it is?

TWiki interprets text as HTML, so you can use the preformatted HTML option to keep the new line of text as is. Enclose the text in <pre> </pre>, or in TWiki's own <verbatim> </verbatim> tag:

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  3. Use preformatted text with <verbatim> tags
See "Text enclosed..."
See "Text I enter gets wrapped around..."

Can I include images on a page?

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TextFormattingFAQ.