Difference: TWikiUsersDotPm (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72013-10-14 - TWikiContributor

Line: 208 to 208

ObjectMethod isAdmin ($cUID) -> $boolean


ObjectMethod isAdmin ($cUID,$topic,$web) -> $boolean

  True if the user is an admin
  • is $TWiki::cfg{SuperAdminGroup}
Line: 224 to 224

ObjectMethod getEffectiveUser ($cUID) -> $cUID

Returns the effective user when UserMasquerading is in action. Returns the argument as it is otherwise.

ObjectMethod getRealUser ($cUID) -> $cUID

Returns the real user when UserMasquerading is in action. Returns the argument as it is otherwise.


ObjectMethod getLoginName ($cUID) -> $login

Get the login name of a user. Returns undef if the user is not known.

Line: 295 to 309

ObjectMethod isInGroup ($cUID,$group) -> $boolean


ObjectMethod isInGroup ($cUID,$group,$topic,$web) -> $boolean

  Test if the user identified by $cUID is in the given group.
That is determined in the context of $topic and $web, which matters in context dependent user masquerading a user mapping handler may do.
Line: 371 to 388

ObjectMethod _renderUserDataField ($fieldRef)


ObjectMethod canCreateWeb ($web) -> $boolean

ObjectMethod getAffiliation ($cUID) -> $affiliation

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