Difference: TWikiUserAuthentication (27 vs. 28)

Revision 282014-07-13 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki User Authentication

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Authentication, or "loging in", is the process by which a user lets TWiki know who they are.
Authentication, or "logging in", is the process by which a user lets TWiki know who they are.
  Authentication isn't just about access control. TWiki uses authentication to identify users so it can keep track of who made changes, and manage a wide range of personal settings. With authentication enabled, users can personalise TWiki and contribute as recognised individuals, instead of ghosts.
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Apache Login (select TWiki::LoginManager::ApacheLogin in configure)

Using this method TWiki does not authenticate users internally. Instead it depends on the REMOTE_USER environment variable, which is set when you enable authentication in the webserver.
Using this method TWiki does not authenticate users internally. Instead it depends on the REMOTE_USER environment variable, which the webserver passes to TWiki when you enable authentication in the webserver (as described in RFC 3875 - "The Common Gateway Interface v1.1").
The advantage of this scheme is that if you have an existing website authentication scheme using Apache modules, such as mod_auth_ldap or mod_auth_mysql, you can just plug in directly to them.
The advantage of this scheme is that if you have an existing website authentication scheme using Apache modules, such as mod_authnz_ldap or mod_authn_dbd, you can just plug in directly to them.
  The disadvantage is that because the user identity is cached in the browser, you can log in, but you can't log out again unless you restart the browser.
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