Difference: TWikiTutorial (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72001-09-13 - PeterThoeny

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20 Minute TWiki

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  • Attach : Attach files to a topic (discussed later)
  • Diffs : Topics are under revision control. Diffs shows you the complete change history of the topic, e.g. who changed what and when.
  • r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 : Allows you to see a previous topic revision or the difference between revisions.
  • More : More actions on the topic, like rename/move, version control and setting the topic parent.

6. Change a page and create a new one:

  • Go to the Test topic of the TWiki.Test web. This web is the sandbox where you can make changes at will.
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  • Do this again with a JPG or GIF image file.
  • Checkmark the box "Create a link to the attached file at the end of the topic."
  • Upload and attach the image file.
  • The image will show up at the bottom of the topic. To move the image, you can edit the topic and move the last line (starting with <a href="%ATTACHURLPATH%/...) to anywhere you like.
  • The image will show up at the bottom of the topic. To move the image, you can edit the topic and move the last line (bullet containing %ATTACHURL%) to anywhere you like.
  • If you have a GIF or JPG image of yourself, why not upload it now to your personal topic?

8. Get email alerts when topics change:

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  A side note: Initially, it can be daunting to modify text someone else wrote. Please do not worry, nothing gets lost, because previous versions are always accessible (and also recoverable by the TWiki administrator if needed.)
-- PeterThoeny - 28 Dec 2000
-- PeterThoeny - 13 Sep 2001
 -- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001
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