Difference: TWikiTutorial (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62001-09-11 - PeterThoeny

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20 Minute TWiki

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  • To edit topics, you need to have a TWiki account.
  • Go to the TWikiRegistration page to create your TWiki account.

4. Check out TWiki Users and offices:


4. Check out TWiki Users, offices and groups:

  • Go to the TWikiUsers topic in the TWiki.Main web; it has a list of all users of TWiki. Your WikiName will be in this list after you register.
  • Go to the OfficeLocations topic in the TWiki.Main web; it has a list of corporate offices already entered into TWiki.
  • Go to the TWikiGroups topic in the TWiki.Main web; it has a list of groups which can be used to define fine grained TWikiAccessControl in TWiki.

5. Test the Topic controls:

  • Go to the WebHome topic to learn what we can do with a topic.
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