Difference: TWikiTutorial (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52001-08-29 - MikeMannix

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This is a short, step-by-step tutorial to get you up to speed on TWiki.

20 Minute TWiki

  • Preparation:
    • Open up a new browser window. While you are working in one window, you can look at the step-by-step tutorial instructions in the other window.
This step-by-step, hands-on tutorial gets you up to speed with all the TWiki basics in mere minutes...
  • Navigation and search:

1. Get set:

  • Open two browser windows; arrange them so that you can follow these steps in one window, while trying things out in the other.

2. Take a tour around:

    • TWiki is divided up into webs; each one represents one area of collaboration. The webs are accessible at the upper right corner of each web page.
    • Each web has hyper-linked topics. A topic is one web page in your browser.
    • The home page in each web is the WebHome topic.
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    • If you know the name of a topic, you can jump directly to it by typing its name into the Go field on the top of the page. Type WebSearch to jump to the search page. Hint: Do not confuse the Go field with search.
    • You can search each TWiki web. Enter a search string in the WebHome topic or the WebSearch topic accessible from the Search link on each topic. TWiki searches for an exact match; optionally, you can also use RegularExpressions.
  • Create your account:

3. Open a private account page:

    • To edit topics, you need to have a TWiki account.
    • Go to the TWikiRegistration page to create your TWiki account.
  • TWiki Users and offices:

4. Check out TWiki Users and offices:

    • Go to the TWikiUsers topic in the TWiki.Main web; it has a list of all users of TWiki. Your WikiName will be in this list after you register.
    • Go to the OfficeLocations topic in the TWiki.Main web; it has a list of corporate offices already entered into TWiki.
  • Operations on topics:

5. Test the Topic controls:

    • Go to the WebHome topic to learn what we can do with a topic.
    • The bottom of the page has some links:
    • Edit : Allows you to edit the topic (discussed later)
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    • Diffs : Topics are under revision control. Diffs shows you the complete change history of the topic, e.g. who changed what and when.
    • r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 : Allows you to see a previous topic revision or the difference between revisions.
  • Editing a topic and creating hyperlinked pages:

6. Change a page and create a new one:

    • Go to the Test topic of the TWiki.Test web. This web is the sandbox where you can make changes at will.
    • Press the Edit link. You are now in edit mode and you can see the source of the page. (Go to a different topic like TestTopic3 in case you see a "Topic is locked by an other user" warning.)
    • Look at the text in edit mode and compare it with the rendered page (move back and forth in your browser.)
    • Notice how WikiWords are linked automatically; there is no link if you look at the text in edit mode.
    • Now let's create a new topic, your own sandbox topic:
      • In edit mode, enter a new text with a WikiWord, i.e.
This is PaulsSandBox topic.
    • This is PaulsSandBox topic.
      • Preview and save the topic.
      • You can see a linked question mark after the topic name. This means that the topic does not exist yet.
      • Click on the question mark. Now you are in edit mode of the new topic.
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      • Enter some text in WikiSyntax: bold text, italic text, bold italic text, a bullet list, tables, paragraphs, etc. Hint: If you need to look up the WikiSyntax, click on the TextFormattingRules link located below the edit field.
      • Preview and save the topic.
  • Attaching files to a topic:

7. Upload files as page Attachments:

    • You can attach any file to a topic, not unlike attachments to an email.
    • Go back to your sandbox topic and click on the Attach link at the bottom.
    • Browse for any file you would like to attach; enter an optional comment.
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    • The image will show up at the bottom of the topic. To move the image, you can edit the topic and move the last line (starting with <a href="%ATTACHURLPATH%/...) to anywhere you like.
    • If you have a GIF or JPG image of yourself, why not upload it now to your personal topic?
  • Getting notified of topic changes:

8. Get email alerts when topics change:

    • It is very important that team members are kept in sync of changes.
    • WebNotify (one per TWiki web) is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in a TWiki web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come back and check all the time to see if something has changed.
    • It is strongly recommended that you subscribe to the TWiki web(s) relevant to your work.
This concludes the tutorial. Now you are ready to roll.
That's it! You're now equipped with all the TWiki essentials. You are ready to roll.
A side note: Initially it can be daunting to modify text someone else wrote. Please do not worry, nothing gets lost, because previous versions are always accessible (and also recoverable by the TWiki administrator if needed.)
A side note: Initially, it can be daunting to modify text someone else wrote. Please do not worry, nothing gets lost, because previous versions are always accessible (and also recoverable by the TWiki administrator if needed.)
  -- PeterThoeny - 28 Dec 2000
-- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiTutorial.