Difference: TWikiSystemRequirements (9 vs. 10)

Revision 102001-08-31 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Implementation Notes


TWiki Software Environment


Platforms and System Requirements


System Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system. [ MM: Locate elsewhere and/or include one-liner and link for RCS... ]
TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. It also requires that GNU RCS (Revision Control System) is installed on the same system. The current implementation runs best on a Linux machine, but it can also run with Microsoft Windows.
Required Environment by Platform
Packages: Linux/Unix: Windows:
Line: 17 to 17
Web server Apache Apache, IIS
OS versions Linux, Unix... every last Win?!

Directory Structure


TWiki Directory Structure

You can easily rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure - the folder names and locations - exactly as is:
You can easily rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact:
Directory: Files: Used for:
twiki list Start-up info
twiki/bin list Perl scripts
twiki/lib list Configuration file & main library
twiki/lib/TWiki list Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins list TWikiPlugins Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki list Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins list TWikiPlugins Perl modules
twiki/pub list Public support files (ex: FileAttachments, images) and RCS histories)
twiki/data list Topic text (page content) and RCS histories;
twiki/templates list HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
Note: about the additional directories in data, elsewhere

File Descriptions

A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. Note that there may be minor differences in the start-up data files.


Files in twiki

Line: 67 to 69
viewfile Script to view an file attachment


Files in twiki/lib


Files under twiki/lib

File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm

Files in twiki/lib/TWiki

File: Used for:
Access.pm Access control
Attach.pm Attachment handling
Meta.pm Meta data in topics
Net.pm SMTP mail handling
Plugins.pm Plugin handling
Prefs.pm Preferences handling
Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling

Files in twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins

File: Used for:
DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites
TWiki/Access.pm Access control
TWiki/Attach.pm Attachment handling
TWiki/Meta.pm Meta data in topics
TWiki/Net.pm SMTP mail handling
TWiki/Plugins.pm Plugin handling
TWiki/Prefs.pm Preferences handling
TWiki/Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
TWiki/Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites

Files in twiki/pub


Files under twiki/pub

File: Used for:
favicon.ico xxxx
twikilogo.gif xxxx
twikilogo1.gif xxxx
Line: 144 to 135
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif xxxx


Files in twiki/data


Files under twiki/data

File: Used for:
.htpasswd xxxx
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements.