Difference: TWikiStoreRcsFileDotPm (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42008-01-22 - TWikiContributor

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Package TWiki::Store::RcsFile

This class is PACKAGE PRIVATE to Store, and should never be

used from anywhere else. Base class of implementations of stores
used from anywhere else. It is the base class of implementations of stores
 that manipulate RCS format files.

The general contract of the methods on this class and its subclasses

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ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.


ObjectMethod getRevisionInfo ($version) -> ($rev,$date,$user,$comment)

  • $version if 0 or undef, or out of range (version number > number of revs) will return info about the latest revision.
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ObjectMethod readMetaData ($name) -> $text

Get a meta-data block for this web


ObjectMethod getWorkArea ($key) -> $directorypath

Gets a private directory uniquely identified by $key. The directory is intended as a work area for plugins.

The standard is a directory named the same as "key" under


ObjectMethod saveMetaData ($web,$name) -> $text

Write a named meta-data string. If web is given the meta-data is stored alongside a web.

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ObjectMethod searchInWebMetaData ($query,\@topics) -> \%matches

Search for a meta-data expression in the content of a web. $query must be a TWiki::Query object.

Returns a reference to a hash that maps the names of topics that all matched to the result of the query expression (e.g. if the query expression is 'TOPICPARENT.name' then you will get back a hash that maps topic names to their parent.

SMELL: this is really inefficient!


ObjectMethod moveWeb ($newWeb)

Move a web.

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ObjectMethod restoreLatestRevision ($wikiname)


ObjectMethod restoreLatestRevision ($user)

  Restore the plaintext file from the revision at the head.
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sub _constructAttributesForAutoAttached as long as stat is defined, return an emulated set of attributes for that attachment.

ObjectMethod getAttachmentList ($web,$topic)

returns {} of filename => { key => value, key2 => value } for any given web, topic

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 Generate string representation for debugging

ObjectMethod recordChange ($user,$rev,$more)

Record that the file changed

ObjectMethod eachChange ($since) -> $iterator

Return iterator over changes - see Store for details

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