Difference: TWikiStoreDotPm (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92013-10-14 - TWikiContributor

Line: 397 to 397

ObjectMethod getListOfWebs ($filter) -> @webNames


ObjectMethod getListOfWebs ($filter,$web) -> @webNames

Gets a list of webs, filtered according to the spec in the $filter,
Gets a list of webs. If $web is not specified or null, top level webs are returned. If the site allows hiearchical webs ({EnableHierarchicalWebs} is true), subwebs, subsubwebs, ... are also returned. If $web is specified and non-null, the subwebs of it are returned assuming hiearchical webs are allowed.

The returned webs are filtered according to the spec in the $filter,

 which may include one of:
  1. 'user' (for only user webs)
  2. 'template' (for only template webs)
$filter may also contain the word 'public' which will further filter webs on whether NOSEARCHALL is specified for them or not. 'allowed' filters out webs that the user is denied access to by a *WEBVIEW.
$filter may also contain the following words to further filter webs.
  • 'public' (eliminates webs having NOSEARCHALL set 'on')
  • 'allowed' (eliminates webs that the user is denied access to by a *WEBVIEW)
  • 'writable' (eliminates webs not writalbe on this site. This is related to ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs.)
  • 'canmoveto' (eliminates webs to which the current web cannot be moved to. The result is equal to or a subset of the 'writable' result. This is related both ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs and MultipleDisks.)
  • 'cancopyto' (similar to 'writable' but does shortcut for efficiency sacrificing completeness)
  If $TWiki::cfg{EnableHierarchicalWebs} is set, will also list sub-webs recursively.
Line: 566 to 581
 some store implementations when a topic is created, but never saved.

ObjectMethod getDiskInfo ($web,$site,[$diskID]) -> ($dataDir,$pubDir,$diskID)

Called only if $TWiki::cfg{MultipleDisks} is true.

ObjectMethod getDiskList () -> ('',1,2,...)

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