Difference: TWikiReleaseNotes05x00 (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32011-05-04 - TWikiContributor

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Release Notes of TWiki-5.0.1 (Helsinki), 2010-10-10


Release Notes of TWiki-5.0.2 (Helsinki), 2011-05-03

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  TWiki-5.0.0 released on 2010-05-29 is a major release introducing usability enhancements, feature enhancements, and adds extensions to strengthen TWiki as an enterprise collaboration platform.
TWiki-5.0.1 released on 2009-10-10 is a patch release that adds some minor new features and fixes a number of bugs.
TWiki-5.0.1 released on 2010-10-10 is a patch release that adds some minor new features and fixes a number of bugs.
It is highly recommended to upgrade to TWiki-5.0.1. Users will find this release much more stable and secure in daily use.
TWiki-5.0.2 released on 2011-05-03 is a patch release that adds some minor new features and fixes a number of bugs.

It is highly recommended to upgrade to TWiki-5.0.2. Users will find this release much more stable and secure in daily use.


New Features Highlights

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    • Upgraded TinyMCEPlugin to latest TinyMCE for better WYSIWYG editing experience.
    • Better indication of breadcrumb in top menu of TopMenuSkin - added in TWiki-5.0.1
    • Better display of topic diffs in debug mode - added in TWiki-5.0.1
    • The SlideShowPlugin now supports keystrokes to navigate the slides - added in TWiki-5.0.2
  • TWiki Application Platform Enhancements
    • Pre-installed JQueryPlugin, adding a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
    • Improvements to ENCODE, IF, URLPARAM, WEB and WEBLIST variables.
    • The JQueryPlugin has now jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 - updated in TWiki-5.0.2
  • Search Enhancements
    • Query syntax with array size, useful to query TWiki forms and attachments.
    • Query syntax can be used in format parameter of search, giving more control over formatting.
  • Miscellaneous Feature Enhancements
    • Adding 3 new TWikiDocGraphics icons, and 1 updated icon - added in TWiki-5.0.1
    • Adding 8 new TWikiDocGraphics icons, and 2 updated icons - added in TWiki-5.0.2
    • The TWiki doc graphics library is now aware of image size and is cached for speed.
    • Support authenticated proxy - added in TWiki-5.0.1
    • TopMenuSkin: Customizable web-specific top bar - added in TWiki-5.0.2
    • In TWikiForms' type table, automatically list form field types that are defined in plugins and contribs
  • Plugin Enhancements
    • API: New TWiki::Func::buildWikiWord function
    • HeadlinesPlugin: New touch parameter in HEADLINES variable to alert users via e-mail notification of news updates
    • HeadlinesPlugin: New touch parameter in HEADLINES variable to alert users via e-mail notification of news updates
    • API: New TWiki::Func::buildWikiWord function
    • SpreadSheetPlugin: New $LISTNONEMPTY(), $SPLIT() and $WHILE() functions - added in TWiki-5.0.2
  See the full list of new features and bug fixes further below.

Pre-installed Extensions

TWiki-5.0.1 ships with:
TWiki-5.0.2 ships with:
  Note: JQueryPlugin, TagMePlugin and TopMenuSkin are new in TWiki-5.0.0.

Supported User Interface Languages

The user interface of this TWiki version is localized to 19 languages:

English (default), Bulgarian (bg), Chinese simplified (zh-cn), Chinese traditional (zh-tw), Czechoslovakian (cs), Danish (da), Dutch (nl), German (de), Finnish (fi), French (fr), Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Korean (ko), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Russian (ru), Slovakian (sv), Spanish (es), Ukrainian (uk).

Note: TWiki needs to be configured properly to display user interface languages other than the default English language. Details in TWiki:TWiki.InstallationWithI18N and TWiki:TWiki.InternationalizationSupplement.


Deprecation Notices

  • From TWiki 5.0 on, the ClassicSkin is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
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TWikibug:Item6475 TopMenuSkin v1.5 work: Better indication of breadcrumb in top menu
TWikibug:Item6479 Documentation enhancements for TWiki 5.0.1
TWikibug:Item6482 TopMenuSkin v1.6: XHTML validation fixes; moving CSS to HTML head using ADDTOHEAD variable
TWikibug:Item6483 Add angle brackets (< and >) to format tokens
TWikibug:Item6483 Add angle brackets (< and >) to format tokens
TWikibug:Item6488 Better display of topic diffs in debug mode (rdiff)
TWikibug:Item6497 New TWiki Doc Graphics images topmenu, twiki-gray, uweb-o14
TWikibug:Item6499 PatternSkin: Less screeming submit and cancel buttons, aligning with color palette of TopMenuSkin
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TWiki-5.0.2 Patch Release - Details

TWiki-5.0.2 was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/branches/TWikiRelease05x00 revision 21156 (2011-05-03)


TWikibug:Item2385 Add IP address to registration e-mail confirming e-mail address
TWikibug:Item6589 8 new TWikiDocGraphics icons, 2 updated icons for TWiki 5.0.2
TWikibug:Item6593 Documentation enhancements for TWiki 5.0.2
TWikibug:Item6603 JSCalendarContrib: Add transparent image for nicer date button in TWiki Forms
TWikibug:Item6608 PatternSkin: Reduce font size of H1 and H2 headings
TWikibug:Item6609 In TWikiForms type table, automatically list form field types that are defined in contribs
TWikibug:Item6614 TopMenuSkin: Always show register link in Account menu, regardless of login status
TWikibug:Item6618 User definable topic parent for new user homepages
TWikibug:Item6621 In QUERYPARAMS, deprecate encoding="" parameter, and add encode=""
TWikibug:Item6622 PatternSkin: Don't hide non-hidden attachments
TWikibug:Item6626 SlideShowPlugin: New slide navigation using keys: Home, Left-arrow, Page-up, Right-arrow, Page-down, End and Esc
TWikibug:Item6653 JQueryPlugin: Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10
TWikibug:Item6659 TopMenuSkin: Customizable web-specific top bar
TWikibug:Item6666 SpreadSheetPlugin: New SPLIT() function to split a string into a list
TWikibug:Item6669 SpreadSheetPlugin: Add LISTNONEMPTY() function that removes empty elements from a list
TWikibug:Item6681 SpreadSheetPlugin: New WHILE() function to do something in a loop while a condition is met
Total: 16


TWikibug:Item5384 Allow Delete of Duplicate Attachments
TWikibug:Item6491 Missing template change in TWiki-5.0.0 for EDITMETHOD setting
TWikibug:Item6602 The viewfile script delivers attachments with lower-cased names
TWikibug:Item6604 Documentation missing for EDITMETHOD setting
TWikibug:Item6625 Documentation for time format not available to normal users
TWikibug:Item6634 Topic links in included topics not web-prefixed if WikiWord ends with punctuation
TWikibug:Item6667 SpreadSheetPlugin: RIGHT() has wrong result due to incorrect start cell
TWikibug:Item6668 SpreadSheetPlugin: LIST() does not flatten a list in a cell
TWikibug:Item6673 Sanitize URL parameters on login
TWikibug:Item6675 JQueryPlugin: Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect
TWikibug:Item6679 SpreadSheetPlugin: Small issue with LISTRAND, where last item only got 50% of fair share to get picked
Total: 11
 Related Topics: TWikiHistory, TWikiInstallationGuide, TWikiUpgradeGuide, TWikiReleaseNotes04x00, TWikiReleaseNotes04x01, TWikiReleaseNotes04x02, TWikiReleaseNotes04x03, TWikiReleaseNotes05x01, TWikiReleaseNotes06x00
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