Difference: TWikiRegistration (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132007-01-01 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1


To edit pages on this TWikiSite, you must have a registered user name and password.
To edit pages on this TWikiSite, you must have a registered user name and password.

Sorry, Registration has been temporarily disabled

  HELP Note: Registered users can change and reset their passwords.
Line: 84 to 91
First Name:
Last Name:
(identifies you to others) WikiName:
(how you log in) LoginName: **
E-mail address:
Changed: <

Organisation name: Changed: <

Organisation URL:
Changed: <
Changed: <
<   Line: 265 to 272 
Changed: <
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
Line: 285 to 292  Changed: <
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
<-- /twikiFormSteps-->
Line: 294 to 301 
Deleted: <
Note to administrator: The form fields can be customized to the needs of your organization. See also TWikiUserAuthentication. In case you are registering users through other means, replace this topic with a note describing how to get registered in TWiki. In any case, remove this note.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiRegistration.